Anything But Ordinary!

31 Days of Hope & Healing5-minute-friday-1#FiveMinuteFriday and Day 11 of #31dbc! Couldn’t resist writing for the #FMF when I saw the word prompt “Ordinary”! I was “IN”! Write for five minutes, unedited (well, you would WANT me to edit a little, trust me!) all for the love of the written word! Blessings friends, enjoy your beautiful fall Friday!


When I need a pencil, any ordinary No. 2 will do.

Looking for a Kleenex? An ordinary tissue might be just fine too!

How about a pad of paper, to jot down a note or thought? I don’t have to have the finest.

An ordinary notepad is perfect for me, it does the job, probably came from the same tree!

There is One Constant in our lives where no substitute is Worthy.

No matter what you try, where you look, or who you try to insert in His place, the substitute will be rejected.

Jesus Christ is Anything but Ordinary!

He is High and Lifted up!

He is the Almighty God, the Most High! Emmanuel, God with us!

“It is he who made the earth by his power,
who established the world by his wisdom,
and by his understanding stretched out the heavens!”
 Jeremiah 10:12.
Jesus Christ is an Extra-Ordinary God!

I can depend on Him to lift me up, to care about the most intimate details of my life.

No problem too big, or too small, He will come to my aid!

One of our faithful readers, Donna, shared with me on my Facebook page yesterday that she was recently healed of two rare diseases at her church conference meetings! God had touched her legs and back and she could now walk by herself. She was claiming total healing!

Is anything too hard for God? No!

If He doesn’t heal you, and not everyone is healed of every sickness, see my post here on He Heals Me, He Heals Me Not, He will be WITH YOU! Then you will use that time of trial as a testimony of God’s keeping power, how He walked with you, and at times, carried you.

I do not want an ordinary God. I want Jesus Christ, and Him crucified!

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of humanwisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”  1 Corinthians 2:1-5 NKJV.

Put your faith in the power of God, not in the wisdom of men and see your life turn around.

Your life will be anything but ordinary!

Anything but Ordinary hopeinthehealing


Sharing with Faith Filled Friday, Spiritual Sundays, Womanhood with Purpose

11 thoughts on “Anything But Ordinary!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Amen! No ordinary God for me either! Thank you for stopping by friend! ♥

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Oh Marci, you have made my day! Not for a pat on the back, just to know that someone is being encouraged or that one person is finding strength along with me is a blessing. Sometimes you feel like you are writing to the wind but all along I have felt the Lord whisper to keep writing, even if it is for just one. Thank you for reminding me of that today! Blessings dear friend! ♥

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Oh yes He is! Thank you so much for visiting friend! Blessings to you! ♥

  4. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Patty! God is anything but ordinary! I visited your blog and was so glad I did. “He stoops to bless…” Wow! What a great post! Blessings new friend! ♥

  5. Patty

    Bless you for glorifying Him in such joy! What can I say but, Amen!!

  6. Karen

    This was such an uplifting post! Praise Jesus. He is extraordinary!

  7. Marcia Ellis

    Extraordinary adventures await those who put their hope in Jesus Christ.
    After spending many years of my adult life believing that God could not love a person like me, He proved me wrong. Now my life is filled with peace and hope. If I can find Jesus, anyone can. Thanks for your loving gentle reminders of His goodness.
    I read your blog every day, even though I don’t always comment. I really enjoy it. Thanks much. Marci

  8. Liz

    Certainly don’t want an ordinary God… and yep, my life is far for ordinary!

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