It’s Here! My First eBook: The Daniel Fast Devotional!

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Friends, it is with much excitement that I unveil my first ebook! I have been working feverishly for a long, long time to bring about this first work, something dear to my heart. The Daniel Fast

DF cover side view

The Daniel Fast is widely popular the month of January. Many churches do it corporately now and hundreds of thousands of people all over the world embark on this spiritual journey to draw closer to God. It is a good thing!

This past January, I began blogging about fasting in general and then about The Daniel Fast. The response was so overwhelming that I continued to blog every day that month to help those on the fast.

Without fail, the Lord gave me an example in the Bible of others who fasted, most with the right motive, some who did it for selfish reasons, but with His help, each devotional was related to our lives today.

All year long those devotions have continued to encourage so many. I have been amazed at the journey.

I decided several months ago to bring this to book form. The printed version will be out soon but with the popularity of the Kindle, Nook and e-readers, the eBook is an inexpensive and easy alternative to the paperback. You can access it so easily on your smartphone or tablets!

This eBook will help make your fasting experience so beneficial! Whether you choose The Daniel Fast or not, it is a great day-by-day devotional for ANY fast. There are three Preparation Days before the fast that explain the purpose of fasting, why The Daniel Fast, and the rewards and benefits of fasting, physically and spiritually. The next 21 days bring a devotion and recipes for the duration of the fast.

I would love for you to take a look at the book. It is available on right now and I would appreciate it if you left reviews to help get it established. (It will be coming to the NOOK in hours!) You can click on the book and see inside for a close-up! There are many books available on this subject but very few with daily devotions to help you every step of the way.

Tell your friends and help share this post to get the word out. We only have a few weeks of FEASTING before our spirits draw us to reflection, renewal and revival.

Remember, fasting goes hand in hand with prayer.

Bless you for helping me debut this work from the Lord. I pray it strengthens you and gives you a greater desire to make fasting and prayer a regular part of your walk with God. Feedback is so welcome!


(Affiliate link. Read my full disclosure here.)


Sharing with Amaze Me Mondays, Making your home sing, Modest Monday, Motivation Monday, Living Proverbs 31, Mama Moments Monday, Testimony Tuesday, UNITE, Wholehearted Wednesday, Wake Up Wednesday, Wedded Wednesday, Homemaking Linkup, Little R & R, Happy & Blessed home, Fellowship Friday, Heart filled Friday, Weekend Brew, Sunday Community, Titus 2 Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Whimsical Wednesday

16 thoughts on “It’s Here! My First eBook: The Daniel Fast Devotional!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Hi Meg! Thank you for your interest in the book. I am feverishly working to get it in print but I am afraid it might not happen by January unfortunately.

  2. Meg Najera

    Very interested in this. We are wondering if the book able to be printed??

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    You are so kind Judith. I pray it is a blessing to many! Thank you ♥

  4. Judith Kowles

    Anyone who writes a book just amazes me!! I was really interested in the Daniel Fast a few months ago. Probably from something that I read from you. I look forward to reading your book.

  5. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you!! Blessings…

  6. Candace Jo Post author

    How encouraging, Barbie! Not that you have struggled but that you have an answer. I pray it is mine too! ♥

  7. Barbie

    Congratulations! I hope to download it and read it. I’ve struggled with my weight, and the motivation to lose weight for so many years, that I’ve pretty much given up. But a biblical approach to weightloss is the only thing I will consider now. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

  8. passagethroughgrace

    Congrats on the Daniel Fast devotional e-book. What a blessing it will be for many. Thank you for linking up to The Weekend Brew.

  9. Kathryn Shirey

    I’m SO excited for you! The cover is beautiful. I definitely want to read and see what it’s all about – maybe I’ll take a step toward a fast.

  10. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you so much Heather! ♥

  11. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you so much! Blessings to you ♥

  12. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you so much Sherri! Yes, it will be in B&N and on the Nook hopefully within a couple of days!

  13. Sherri

    Congratulations on your ebook. The preview looks amazing. Can it be purchased on Barnes & Nobles’ Nook?

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