Indiana Jones would be a little jealous of all the amazing acts of bravery by this Mighty Man, Benaiah. Never heard of him? He was in charge of David’s bodyguards. He wasn’t over the army, Joab was The Big Cheese there but once a year Benaiah took a month-long shift as the leader of David’s army. He also supervised the mercenary forces that also fought for the cause and for David. Details are important here, stick with me! (smile)
Benaiah was especially known for his bravery and skills in combat. “And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two ariels of Moab.” 2 Samuel 23:20a ESV.
The meaning of the word ariel is not known. The KJV originally translated it to lion-like because the word ariel was similar to lion. Others think the meaning might have been closer to an army or a cohort of men, meaning he killed more than two by himself. Regardless, we see he was not afraid to take on the impossible.
The next verse says, “He also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion.”
I have read this so many times my head hurts. My big question is “Why?” and all I can come up with is because it needed to be done and I am sure no one else volunteered.
If the oversized cat was injured, or stuck in the pit, then Benaiah was on a mercy mission. Maybe he thought the lion could escape and do more damage so it would be best to take care of him while he was semi-captive.
Think about it: It’s snowing outside so the pit would be slick and difficult to get in and out of if you did need to get away. He is fighting the King of Beasts under the worst possible conditions in a most difficult place. If he starts swinging he had better not miss!
This group of scripture also tells us, “And he struck down a huge Egyptian. Although the Egyptian had a spear in his hand, Benaiah went against him with a club. He snatched the spear from the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear.”
Other translations say this huge Egyptian was 7 ½ feet tall. Not quite as tall as Goliath but still a giant of a man. The giant had a spear in his hand as big as a weaver’s beam and Benaiah only had a club. He decided these were not the best odds so he just took the spear from the Egyptian by using his club to swipe it out of his hand! Then he proceeded to kill him with his own spear.
“Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada; he too was as famous as the three mighty warriors. He was held in greater honor than any of the Thirty, but he was not included among the Three. And David put him in charge of his bodyguard.” 2 Samuel 23:20-23 NIV
As famous as The Three, held in greater honor than any of The Thirty but not included among The Three. We are not told why Benaiah was so well thought of but then not elevated to the prestige of The Three.
And it doesn’t really matter.
For if Benaiah was anything like the other men in David’s elite group of warriors, he wasn’t looking for fame and notoriety. He was looking to serve and do for David whatever it took to keep him safe and to forward the kingdom. Benaiah wasn’t afraid to take on the enemy!
The devil is talked about as a roaring lion, going about and seeking anyone that he can devour. We can picture a lion roaming and stalking its prey until the time is right to pounce. But Benaiah didn’t wait for the attack he went in and took care of the enemy before he had time to do any damage.
We can do that same thing today. As Mighty Warriors in the army of God, we are given one offensive weapon in the Armor of God. This Sword is the Word of God and if we use it offensively, to fight back the kingdom of this world, the kingdom of darkness, we can build a hedge of protection around our families, churches, neighborhoods, etc.
This Sword is powerful! “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword…” Hebrews 4:12.
It is our job to serve, as Benaiah did David, to be ready at our post in the Kingdom of God and do whatever it is that needs to be done.
Think you are called to preach the Gospel? Begin your ministry in the janitor’s closet.
Maybe you literally are the janitor at your church; there is no greater honor than to make sure the house of God looks its very best! If you can clean toilets, and do it with a joyful heart, God knows He can use you for other things; maybe to kill a lion or two!

Learn to serve, to humble yourself and realize that ministry is more than just standing behind a pulpit.
Ministry is all about serving, not being served.
Benaiah realized that and just did what needed to be done for his king. He wasn’t elevated to the level of The Three but he did go on to the position of General when Solomon became king. He was trustworthy because he had spent his time working for the kingdom, not for himself.
It wasn’t about him, it was about the one he was following.
May we be moved by Benaiah’s story of fearlessness today to do our part in the Kingdom of God. Whether it is killing lions, or cleaning toilets in our local assembly, let’s do it all for the glory of God.
This post is part of a series on David’s Mighty Men. Check it out! Frozen to the Sword, But Shammah took his stand and All for a cup of water.
Killing lions, cleaning toilets…thats a catchy title. WE need to remember it’s not what we are doing but our heart attitude God sees as we do it. I think maybe David’s men had an example in him, he ate what they ate, slept where they slept, fought the same battles. Good points to remember, serving others is a battle on a daily bases, but we can over come for Christ over came for us and become a servant for our sake.
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