Moving right along with our month of fasting. You can read previous posts here! Today’s post seems most necessary after the events of yesterday. We need to share the Gospel of Peace! Now more than ever, we as The Body, The Church, must be the peacemakers that the world so desperately needs.
Continuing with the Armor of God, today we are looking at the feet in Ephesians 6. Yes, feet!
“And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…”
Studying for this piece of armor, I found in Elliott’s Commentary that the sandals of the Roman soldiers, the caligoe, were extremely heavy and were studded with hobnails; this helped the soldier to get a grip or a foothold and stand his ground.

We, too, must be steadfast and unmovable in this walk and the way to do that is by putting on the WHOLE Armor of God! We must be constant and prepared, having our faith in this Gospel of Peace, continually contending for it, unmovable!
Prayer and fasting helps us to be strengthened for any battle that we may face. Fasting clears our minds, our thoughts and helps us to think on the things of God. Our wishes and desires become more of the heavenly realm: salvation of others, assisting those in need, lifting the hands of the feeble and weak.
The enemy will scatter traps along the way, hoping you will trip up or be injured and fall by the wayside. But by putting on the armor of God every day, we are promised we will be able to stand. God will stand alongside of us, He fights for us!
This most necessary piece of armor, the shoes, helps us to share the Gospel of Peace. This is our job! The last command from our Lord was for us to go, teach and make disciples. Let us not become distracted with all that is happening around us. Pray to be focused on what God is doing in the hearts of men and women!
As you fast this month, and every fast from here on, be sure you are taking time to pray and equip yourself with each piece of armor that you may be able to stand against the attacks of the enemy and that God will put someone in your path who is hungry for this most wonderful Gospel of Peace.

If you don’t have a copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional you can get it here.