Welcome! We are still praying and fasting through January; you can access all of our previous posts here. Tomorrow, we will discuss the Sword of the Spirit then back to more concentrated Daniel Fasts devotions. Now, on to the helmet!
I know very little about football, but can you imagine your favorite football team, all suited up and ready to hit the field, when the coach makes the announcement that they are to leave their helmets behind? Abandon the only protection they have for their heads, their brains? Football is an aggressive sport that requires serious protection and the helmet is likely the last piece of armor that a player puts on. But just because it is last doesn’t mean it isn’t important! Without a helmet, they risk serious injury that could affect them the rest of their lives.

Friend, I have given enough of an explanation above that anyone could finish this post! Ephesians 6 is the charge to the Church about the Armor of God. All it says about the helmet is “…and take the helmet of salvation…” no explanation why or what it means, etc. Paul just said to take it. Don’t forget it, don’t leave home without it! And we have seen all week long that you don’t pick up a piece of armor and then not wear it because it will do absolutely no good whatsoever.
The sentence with the instruction to take the helmet begins with “In all circumstances…” then proceeds to tell the reader to take the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
In all circumstances.
We don’t get up every morning and think, “Hmmm…wonder if it is necessary to put on all of the armor? Can I just at least leave off the helmet? It’s so bulky and it’s hot under there. Can I go without just this once?” (Unfortunately in 2021 it is the dreaded mask that we struggle with but still wear every day!)
There is one who would love for you to leave it at home and that is Satan. The Bible calls him a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Those are pretty strong words! But they ring true because he is the enemy of your soul. He knows if you put on that helmet of salvation, you are confident that the Name you have applied to your life, Jesus, is more than enough to withstand his constant attacks!
” In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.”
This helmet of salvation protects our minds. Satan works to bring doubt and confusion to the mind of the child of God. He knows if he can get you to question what you believe or even doubt the power of God, he will weaken you and then cause other things to come after you, etc. On and on it goes until you don’t even have the strength to pick up the helmet.
The Roman soldiers helmet also protected the eyes! With it, he could maintain his focus on the goal that was set before him. Likewise, we, as the Body of Christ, applying the Armor of God EVERY DAY, in all circumstances, can see what lies ahead, we can fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!
When we are praying AND fasting, there isn’t a distraction, delay or detour that can trip us up. In all circumstances, He is our hope! Our goal is salvation, our goal is to see Jesus, the One who makes salvation possible. Jesus has given us the armor as protection against anything the enemy can throw at us. But if we don’t put it on, if we forget one piece, it is all useless.
Fast unto the Lord, build up your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost and, in all circumstances, be faithful with the Armor He has provided. It will surely keep your physical body and your mind from things that would hinder or cause you to stumble. See you tomorrow and be blessed as you fast unto the Lord.

Need your own copy of The Daniel Fast, A Devotional? Get it on Amazon by clicking here!
Dear Nanette,
I appreciate the Word on fasting. I have been struggling financially for years and desire to live life abundantly as it is written In Ephesians 3:20.
Today I am struggling to stay afloat. I also have close family members who are in bondage to drugs and alcohol. I came across your Ministry as I prepare to fast for these strongholds to be broken.
It fed me enough to go forward by faith.