I don’t think I know anyone that isn’t elated to say, “Goodbye 2020!” To say it has been different, difficult and even depressing is an understatement. We never saw it coming and we sure are not sad to see it go. What will the New Year bring? Of that we are not certain but we can be sure of our place in it and our reaction to it by beginning 2021 with fasting and prayer.

A New Year brings new possibilities and fresh starts and the hope of finally getting it right this time. So we make resolutions that usually are forgotten before the month is over. We determine we are going to read more, especially our Bible. We are going to be intentional when it comes to our walk with God. But life gets in the way and before we know it we are right back in 2020.
It doesn’t have to be that way this year! If you are reading this (and you are), you have likely decided to fast in January. Maybe your church is doing a corporate fast, which just means they are doing it together. Maybe you are doing it alone but the key to victory is that you are doing it. Fasting doesn’t change God, it changes you! Fasting for the right reasons will reset your focus and desires and get you on the path to getting it right.
For the month of January, Hope in the Healing is committed to helping YOU as you fast and pray unto the Lord. Some are beginning The Daniel Fast today or next week, we will be talking about that too. Others are fasting social media or things that are a vital part of the way they spend their time. All of them are good!
Anything that is a sacrifice to you is a sacrifice unto the Lord.
For those that are choosing The Daniel Fast, it is typically a 21 day fast. Very few actually begin on New Year’s Day so we will start with the first three days explaining the need for fasting, different types of fasts and more details about The Daniel Fast in particular.
To help you even further on your journey, I encourage you to get my book, The Daniel Fast Devotional! It is a great tool for ANY TYPE OF FAST. Twenty one days of devotions, examples of others who fasted in the Bible, why they fasted and what we can learn from it. It’s available at Amazon.com here. I also offer discounts for multiple purchases, email me at ynannette@gmail.com for pricing!
Even the early Church fasted and prayed regularly after they received the Holy Ghost. We have a continual war going on between the carnal and the spiritual that will not end until after the Lord comes back for His people, the final battle is fought and Satan has been put in his place. Forever.
In order to be overcomers while we are living in this world, we must have a relationship with Jesus Christ and we must learn how to pray and fast to keep our bodies, our flesh, under subjection.
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up.” James 4:10 KJV.
Fasting will kill that inner man. You will be filled with the power of God so you may be able to overcome.
The most important thing is that you take that time that you would normally be eating and spend it PRAYING!
Fasting without prayer is called a diet!

When the Church is fasting, the enemy is intimidated. Satan isn’t worried one bit when we are content with the status quo. But if the Church ever realizes the power it possesses through prayer and fasting, the devil would be on the run.
His Word says some things only come about by prayer and fasting. “And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could we not cast him out? So he said to them, This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” Mark 9:28, 29 NKJV
Fasting puts Satan in his place! And through fasting, you can take back your God-given spiritual authority over your life.
Fasting can literally change you from the inside out. It will draw you closer to God, help you see things about yourself that you need to change, allow God to dig out the ugly and replace it with His grace, and lift those heavy burdens from you that you just don’t need to carry or worry about any longer.
Let’s do this together! Join me for the next three weeks and encourage one another in fasting and prayer. Unity in the Body is necessary for the revival we want to see happen in our families and communities. Blessings to you as you fast unto the Lord.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to either comment here or message me at ynannette@gmail.com. I would be happy to help. See you here tomorrow!