Hope in Your Circumstance!

They say attitude is half the battle and I really believe it is true. First Lady Martha Washington stated it so eloquently when she said, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”

Determining to press on in painful circumstances is the discipline of keeping our faith when everything is falling apart around us. Our burdens and trials not only make us stronger but can develop qualities in us that will prepare us for the future. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying! Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Your situation is no obstacle for God! I heard a minister preach recently that the Voice of the wind is produced through an obstacle! I want to hear His voice! Did we also ever stop to think that maybe the world needs to hear the wind blowing through our circumstance? We touch so many people when they see God work in our lives. Not that we ever wish things like this on our ,or that God brings them upon us, but He can turn something tragic or difficult into something triumphant.

We cannot be overcomers if we have no troubles to overcome, so how would we know that God could heal if we were never sick? How would we know He could provide if we never had a need? I am reminded of the old song, “Through It All” and my favorite verse said this;

I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through. For if I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know God could solve them, I’d never know what faith in God could do.

And that is so very true in our lives! Think of the blessings we would be missing! I have seen many wonderful Christians go through the terrible trial of cancer and I would wonder why they had to suffer so. And maybe you are fighting such a battle today. I do not have that answer except that we live in a real world with real problems. There is sickness, there is heartache, and we are not necessarily exempt. But what we DO have is a Savior! We have One who walks with us, He never forsakes us, He will always be near and comfort and protect us. And through your circumstance you will be a light to someone else that may not know this wonderful Jesus and they will see your attitude in your trial and that may cause them to come to know Christ.

Remember that His power is not diminished by any turn of events. Nothing happens without His knowledge or permission! So look at your circumstance in the light of God’s power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems. Start trusting Him, He is our only Hope!

“Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.” Romans 4:20-21. Remember Abraham’s circumstance! He kept hoping and believing he would become the father of many nation’s because God had given him a promise. And his faith did not weaken, he was “fully convinced” despite his circumstance, meaning he was 100 years old! God kept His promise when He gave him his son, Isaac.

“God often comforts us, not by changing the circumstances of our lives, but by changing our attitude towards them.” ~S. H.B. Masterman

The most glorious comfort about a trial is that the God of the universe is walking right beside you every step of the way. It might not change your circumstance but it will certainly give you the strength to get through it knowing He is in control, the God of Angel Armies is always on your side!



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