Day 14 (or 2): Ten Things That Make Me Really Happy!

Sweet Jenni at issued a fun challenge to bloggers to blog Every Single Day in May and she supplied the topics for all 31 days. Yep, I’m behind, but there are no rules, and no blog police come knocking if you miss, skip, or mess up. So, hey, I’m in!


Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy.

10. Puppies

9.  A Clean House

8.  New Clothes

7.  The Changing of the Seasons

6.  Vacation…anywhere

5.  Missions

4.  Sharing the Gospel

3.  All my kids around the dinner table

2.  The Sweetheart

1.  The Peace and Presence of God

Now, reply with YOUR TOP TEN LIST!!!

6 thoughts on “Day 14 (or 2): Ten Things That Make Me Really Happy!

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Wonderful list Ellen!! Thank you!! I had no idea you went to school for architecture! Impressive! Learned something new today! And the good doctor appointments 🙂 Love them all!! Bless you friend!!

  2. Ellen MR

    #10. Sunrises and giving Thanks for another day!

    #9. A clean house

    #8. Dreaming of my dream house/architecture and design
    (What I went to school for eons ago..)

    #7. Traveling/going up north to fish, get in touch with nature

    #6 BOOKS/ learning!!

    #5. History/Biblical Archeology

    #4. Cake…yum!

    #3. “Good” Doctor Appointments

    #2.My kids and their achievements! 🙂

    #1. Jesus and His immense love and forgiveness-Wow!!

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    YAY you are in!! So glad you persevered!! I was having trouble with the Google comment and had just disabled it. Thanks for coming back, I was dying to know what you had said! I had almost said number ten! Love number nine, especially when the kids were home, lol. Number four made me LOL because that is Doug’s weakness!! He sneaks them! All of them are wonderful!! Thanks so much for sharing Ashlie, your boys are adorable and remind me so much of my own. Glad your “BABE” is doing so much better. Bless you!!

  4. Candace Jo Post author

    Love, love! Number seven is awesome!! I can definitely SKIP NUMBER FIVE!!!!! 🙂 Love all the rest and love YOU!! Thanks for taking the challenge!!!

  5. ashliegorley

    10. The feeling of clean sheets on my bed
    9. Knowing my mountains of laundry are finished! (Only lasts about 10 seconds)
    8. The feeling of sand between my toes
    7. Laughing with my closest friends until my guts hurt
    6. Sunday afternoon naps
    5. Tulips
    4. Cupcakes and Ice Cold Dr. Pepper
    3. My 2 incredible boys-they make me realize motherhood is one of the highest honors!
    2. Walking this journey of life with my “Babe!” Love him!
    1. The saturating presence of God..NOTHING compares!

  6. Joy Terrell

    10. Walking on a beach feeling the sand and surf, and hearing the waves. (I am happy just imagining it!)

    9. Spending time with family or friends

    8. Seeing the beauty of nature everywhere around us

    7. Helping someone who can never repay

    6. Getting a phone call from family or friends

    5. Having a kitty snuggled up in my lap

    4. Loving on my dog (Jack). Oh, what a friend he is!

    3. Going on a day trip (or longer) with my guy

    2. Being with my guy, his hand in mine

    1. Knowing God is always enough

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