
5-minute-friday-1It’s Five Minute Friday again! Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.



From the Beginning.

To the Very End.

Everything In-Between.


He is all of those things to me. When I find myself living in the “what-if’s” of life, the uncertainties and the scary unknowns, one thing I can depend upon is the Present.

He has never left me. Does He answer all of my prayers? Not to my wishes, no.

According to His plan, yes.

You see, He sees the bigger picture, behind the curtain where I cannot go, yet, it is not for me to know, it is only for me to trust.

We live in the Present, but He sees the Past, the Present, and the Future. He knows what is for my good and what will be best for me. I can only see the NOW!

So He is here. In our Present. And when I doubt, when I wonder, when I struggle, I even question!

Yes, it’s okay to question. He answers with His gentle Word. It’s all in there, waiting for me to open and find it. He will whisper to me in our private time together, or through another sweet voice,  “My child, I am here, do not worry, everything is in control. Just let me take care of it.”

And He will, in His time. For His time is not our time, His ways are not our ways. And it is good like that. I keep leaning on Him, learning that even in the trial it is for my good, not that He brought it upon me, oh no! But that He will take it and make it into something profitable for me!

So what do you need to trust Him for today? What uncertainty and scary unknown are you facing? I promise He will never leave you nor forsake you, He will carry you through your difficulty, whatever it may be.

And even though it may seem as if He is not answering your prayer the way YOU think it should be answered…remember the curtain

Remember the Present.



12 thoughts on “Present…

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    Anita thank you for taking the time to comment, you said a mouthful. I don’t need to know the details…I will try to remember THAT! I just visited your blog and then had to run out the door…I am in awe of your FMF post. So touching. I will be back in a bit to read the 3 part series I started on when hubby hauled me out the door. I will comment on your blog when I’m not on my phone. Blessings friend!!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Awww, that sounds like something I would do for sure! I will head over and read your post anyway, I’m sure it is great and uplifting. You’ve already blessed me once this week! I love FMF because it makes me think…that’s really hard once I turned 50! Blessings, friend!

  3. livingrealblog

    Beautiful thoughts! I’m now sitting here laughing at myself. I joined the five-minute Friday, but didn’t realize until I hit your blog, after reading others who were talking about Present, that there is actually a theme. Duhhh . . . maybe next week I can get it right.

  4. Anita Ojeda

    Thank you for your encouraging words, Nannette! Trials are never easy–especially ones that seem to stretch out to forever. Thank you for reminding me about the curtain. I DON’T need to now the details–only the one who directs :).

  5. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you, I picked that up years ago, from where I don’t remember but I think of it often. Only He sees behind that curtain so I have to trust He knows what is best!

  6. Candace Jo Post author

    Ha, and again, God is so good! Blessings friend!

  7. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you friend. Are you no longer blogging? 🙁

  8. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Joanne! I visited your post as well and was presently blessed 😉 I left a comment about days gone by. You conjured up memories for me! You are so right, God has deemed it as part of the journey. I love FMF’s, they make me think!! And I make new friends in the process. Blessings to you this Friday. ♥

  9. joanneviola

    Loved your thoughts. I realized that our past & our future will only make sense as we include the present. Our God has deemed it all as a part of our journey. Thank you so much for sharing this today. I was your neighbor at Lisa Jo’s 🙂
    May He bless you “presently”!!

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