You can read my other posts from this Holy Week here, here, and here!
“And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.”
I love the beginning of this passage. I don’t believe I had really noticed it before but I am so happy the Lord allowed me to see it today.
They sang a hymn.
Wouldn’t you love to know what the Lord sang with His disciples before Gethsemane? Before standing in front of those that would beat Him and mock Him? Before Calvary? Before “It is finished.”!
It is enough to know they did, even if we do not know the words. There is truly so much strength in song, in praise and worship. This week is one of the best for old hymns. I love the new songs too but I was raised with a songbook in my hands and on Easter mornings I can still recall turning to our favorite pages to sing songs such as He Lives!, The Old Rugged Cross, Jesus Paid it All, and Because He Lives.
But it’s the next part of the text that really spoke to me.
And Jesus said to them, ‘You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.’ Peter said to him, ‘Even though they all fall away, I will not.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.’ But he said emphatically, ‘If I must die with you, I will not deny you.’ And they all said the same.” Mark 14:26-31 ESV.
You will all fall away.
One of the saddest passages in the Bible! Jesus knew that the disciples would leave Him, yet He went to Calvary anyway.
He knew Peter would deny Him, but He paid the price anyway.
Those that were the closest to Him for the last three years would walk away when He was facing the trial of His life.
The last part of that section says, “And they all said the same.” They all said, just like Peter, that they would never forsake the Lord, they would even die with Him. I believe at that moment they were sincere but when it came down to facing the soldiers, they couldn’t hold up.
We have all fallen away at some point in our lives. We might not have been like Peter and said, “I never knew Him!” but we have failed, just the same.
He knew we would. He knows we will again. Yet on to Calvary He went, enduring the suffering and agony of a crucifixion, the cruelest death anyone could face.
Why? Because He loved us.
Jesus looked ahead, PAST Calvary, to our futures, and endured the cross.
Without Calvary, we would have no hope and no future.

What do you need hope in today? Good Friday (the cross) and Easter Sunday (the Resurrection!). It’s all wrapped up in that weekend, but it didn’t end there. The blood that was shed that day still covers sin today. The price He paid all of those years ago is still good today! We just have to accept it.
Don’t just celebrate the cross…He isn’t on it…and not just the tomb…He isn’t in it!
But celebrate the fact that He gave and came out of that tomb so that we could also have eternal life.
Is it well with your soul? It was all for a purpose, friend, He IS coming back and the signs are all around us…turn to Jesus today!
Blessed Easter!
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Love this post…I’ve heard the hymn they were singing was from Psalm 118 as Jewish families sing this at Passover. Many blessings to you ❤️
Hi Nannette, I am glad we are saved by the grace of God through the shedding of His Blood. We would have been so hopeless. Thank God
Blessings to you.
I love your enthusiasm for Scripture, Nannette. I see it just about every time I visit your place. 🙂 And I have to say that flower graphic is SO beautiful! You’ve got me wondering how you did that! Anyway, I think you’re so right. Christ’s love and sacrifice are hard to wrap our brains and hearts around. It always amazes me when I think about the ways I’ve failed Him and yet He forgives and accepts me. Truly amazing love! Happy Easter to you, my friend!