I’ll see you in my complicated migraine dreams…

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The #FiveMinuteFriday prompt is the word Dream. We are to write five minutes, no editing, worrying or self-analyzing. Just write for the love of the written word. You can read other great takes on this week’s prompt here.


I have complicated/complex migraines. Not that I am bragging by any stretch of the imagination. For twenty years or more I suffered from regular migraines; the hide your face under a pillow, plug your ears from any noise, cry and pray it would go away soon migraine. Anyone who suffers with these debilitating headaches has my heartfelt sympathy and compassion. I have felt your pain.

But for some reason known only to God Almighty, I, thankfully, no longer have those types of headaches. I have what I call the crazy migraine. The Sweetheart will definitely agree with me.

Complicated migraines can, at times, mimic a stroke in their symptoms. For instance, you can become weak on one side, your speech will slur or you might not make any sense at all. Some are very scary, others are quite mild. Some also have throbbing headaches, others just a mild one. I don’t have a lot of pain, usually a dull headache in the back of my head with extreme numbness and tingling in my head, down my side, leg and into my feet where it feels like lightning bolts are scampering to be the first in line to zap the life out of me. I become extremely dizzy and disoriented to the point of knocking over furniture; I am a threat to myself to be sure.

Mine are just weird.

The fun part begins when I fall asleep. I might have just drifted off when The Sweetheart says I then start hollering crazy things such as, “Help me, help me, please come help me!” But it is a mumbled mess because my speech is slurred and I am half-asleep. What I am experiencing on the other end is a dream. It is almost always the same type of dream, I am trying to wake up or trying to get away from something and I am yelling for my Doogalas to come and rescue me but it feels like I have cotton in my mouth and can’t get it out. Or, worse yet, I am running in slow motion (picture your favorite cartoon character) and my words come out very slow and with extreme effort, as if we have slowed down a record from 78 rpm to 45. I just can’t get my feet and legs to cooperate. And he doesn’t come to rescue me. (There might be hidden explanations here, hmmm?)

This last one was supposedly my most entertaining yet. I started crying and saying, “I want to go with you; I want to go with you!” The Sweetheart is trying to wake me up and when I do finally come around, I fall right back asleep and ten minutes later it starts all over again with “help me, help me!” Once again, being the gallant rescuer that he is, I am gently awakened and brought back to reality for a short few moments before we repeat the process all over again for a third time.

dreams 1

We all have them, some good, some not so good, some just plain confusing and exhausting. When I was little, I shared a room and a double bed with my sister who was two years older. My parents have told us many stories of the two of us talking in our sleep.

And make sense?! We did. Gotta admit that is very strange and I don’t tell too many people. They might think we were weird or something. (smile)

So what are your dreams?

Do you feel like you are past the age of seeing dreams fulfilled? I will be 54 years old in about three weeks and I haven’t seen all of my dreams come to pass but I sure have seen many of them. I wanted a family, I wanted The Sweetheart, I wanted all of us to serve God together. I wanted a home that everyone could come back to. If you know me, you know I do not have that last part. My family is scattered and I don’t even own a home any longer because of our traveling for Revival By Design and our overseas work. We are scattered because of ministry; I will not complain!

Then there are the things I never dreamed I would see or do such as traveling the world to help new works become established, teaching and training leaders sometimes even with an interpreter. Who knew? Maybe we don’t dream big enough, maybe we should aim higher and just see what God will do.

Maybe, just maybe, God would hear our cry and answer our prayers, fulfilling our dreams!

Praying today my dreams would become more Kingdom focused, with or without migraines. Praying for you, wherever you are, that you would dream big, as the song says, “That’s the Lord’s desire for you….” And one day our dreams, our ultimate dream of living eternally with the Savior, will become reality. We will all be gathered around the throne and we won’t have to worry about whether we are going to be rescued. Jesus has already accomplished the work. It is finished.

I’ll see you in my dreams…



Sharing with Grace and Truth

6 thoughts on “I’ll see you in my complicated migraine dreams…

  1. Candace Jo Post author

    You are so sweet Cheryl to care so much. Thank you for your beautiful words! Much love!

  2. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment Linda. God’s richest blessings to you!

  3. Candace Jo Post author

    Thank you Elizabeth! I always love to visit your place ♥

  4. Cheryl Smith

    Oh, my, I am so sorry you have to deal with these horrible dreams. It is an awful feeling to be in a nightmare like that with no way to wake up. Bless your heart. So thankful God has fulfilled so many of your life dreams and trusting Him to continue to lead and guide and use you mightily in His service! 🙂

  5. Linda Stoll

    And this, Nannette, –> ‘Praying today my dreams would become more Kingdom focused, with or without migraines.’ Such a hard prayer to pray, to live. That our physical challenges wouldn’t block our desire to love and serve Him with all the strength we do / don’t have.

    May this Sabbath bring restoration and grace to you …

  6. Elizabeth

    “Praying today my dreams would become more Kingdom focused, with or without migraines.”
    Beautifully said! It is a prayer I needed to be prompted to pray!

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