The Daniel Fast: Changing lives for the better

The Daniel Fast: Changing lives for the better!

Fasting Together in JanuaryThe Daniel Fast: Changing lives for the better! Today closes out our 31 Days of Fasting in January! You are learning to sacrifice and deny the flesh which is of great value in your walk with God. But don’t let it stop here. Make fasting a regular part of your life. Maybe fast an entire day each week or at least a meal once a week. Something sacrificial, something you enjoy, give it up for a time and draw closer to God. If you missed any of the posts you can go here to catch up or read them again.

You did it! Even if you were tempted to cheat, accidentally forgot, or even purposely went off of the fast and back on again, you have accomplished something amazing. Do not beat yourself up if you weren’t perfect during the fast. You will be more diligent as you continue to make fasting a regular part of your spiritual and physical lifestyle.

Fasting has so many health benefits. Some studies show it is effective against cancer; it could also reduce the risk of developing cancer, guard against diabetes and heart disease, help control asthma and even help ward off Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

We do not take the best care of ourselves with our hectic lifestyles and eat-on-the-run schedules. Regular fasting will detox your body and get rid of poisons. It gives your digestive system a much needed rest. It will reduce your blood sugar, which will in turn break down fat. It can even correct high blood pressure and will definitely improve your immunity.

Then there are spiritual benefits that are out of this world!

  • Has the Lord spoken to your heart during the fast?
  • Have prayers been answered?
  • Do you feel as if you have drawn closer to the Savior?

Even if you started your fast for a particular reason, and still do not see an answer, do not despair.

Fasting is never wasted before the Lord if it is done for the right reasons. We have mentioned many times that it is so much more than just going without food. If that is all you are doing then it truly was just a diet program.

But when you are desperate for a move of God in your life, fasting will help bring those results!

The Daniel Fast: Changing lives for the better

Fasting helps move everything else out of the way so you can hear HIS voice more clearly. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6 KJV.

Fasting will break strongholds in the demonic world! “And he said unto them, ‘This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.’” Mark 9:29 KJV.

The disciples could not cast out the evil spirit and had to get Jesus to help. That is when He told them it would take prayer AND fasting.

The prophet Daniel found out how real it was when the angel showed up to meet with him after his 21 day fast: “Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” Daniel 10:12-13 KJV.

Fasting will definitely strengthen your prayer life. It will help you die out to the flesh and be sensitive to the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Daniel Fast DevotionalI pray our 31 Days of Fasting in January has been a blessing to you, no matter how often, how many days or which way you chose to fast. Many of the devotions were partial or even complete chapters from The Daniel Fast Devotional. If you purchased one during the fast, Kindle or paperback, would you mind to leave a review on Amazon? It only takes a few minutes and it is so helpful. If you haven’t got yours yet, it is a great tool for ANY TYPE of FAST and a go-to for years to come!

I hope WE ALL will continue to draw closer to the Lord through regular fasting and prayer.

Fasting unto the Lord, Nannette


One thought on “The Daniel Fast: Changing lives for the better!

  1. Linda Stoll

    Hi Nannette … thanks for the spiritual motivation here, a call to a deeper prayer life and stronger connection with God. I’ve never fasted, but appreciate what you’ve shared with us here!

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