When Giving Thanks Isn’t Easy

Holidays can be difficult and wonderful all at the same time. They are wonderful because we are with friends and family and they are difficult because some of those same people are no longer at our holiday table.

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 ESV.

There are other life pressures that make being thankful just plain hard. Nothing seems to be going right, finances are tight, the job is unsteady at best, the world is in chaos and relationships are shaky.

Be thankful? For what?

  • When I feel like it?
  • When everything is going well?
  • When I am happy, upbeat and positive?
  • When my kids like me, my boss praises me and my wife still smiles when I enter the room?

Yes, be thankful when everything is going well.

And when it is not.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to thank God only when things are going perfect, it actually says, “In everything, give thanks.In everything!

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus..” Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

This scripture seems to sum it all up so well.

If we believe the Word then look at that scripture again: Don’t worry, pray about everything, tell Him what you need and THANK HIM for what He has done.

And if you do that? Then you will experience God’s peace! The Bible says that peace is greater than anything we can understand! Will your circumstance change? Maybe not, but His peace will guard your heart and your mind as you live in Christ Jesus.


We hear so much in this present world, when someone has a beautiful family, a job promotion, a new house, a new baby, and on and on and on: “You are so blessed.” And it is true, we never take lightly the good things in this life, we give God the praise in all things!

But does that mean that the one who is not experiencing good things, prosperity or over-abundance is NOT blessed of God?

I dare say, “No.”

when giving thanks isn't easy

These things, if not of our own doing, are just part of living in this sinful world. Bad things happen to good people but in all things, in everything, God is faithful and sovereign. He never changes and He is always fair and just.

So, on this National Day of Thanks, remember you might be sitting beside someone who is struggling, who has forgotten that they still have much to be thankful for, someone who is finding it isn’t easy to Give Thanks…this year.

Maybe they have lost a loved one and the chair beside them is empty. Possibly they are separated from their spouse or about to lose their job. Perhaps they are just fearful of world events.

Whatever the reason that Giving Thanks Isn’t Easy would you try to be an encouragement to them? Speak words of love and affirmation, remember that you have been in their shoes at some point and that God hasn’t forgotten them.

And if you, the reader, right now, are the one going through dark trials, can I tell you Jesus Loves You? He knows right where you are and loves you more than the sparrows that He takes care of every day. He will never, never leave you and never forsake you. There is comfort in His presence, in giving your needs and cares to Him and letting Him be your Burden Bearer.

He’s already paid the price for YOU and one day soon He will come back for YOU and take you to be with Him.

So even though Giving Thanks Isn’t Easy, there is power in praise and strength will come back to you. Remember what God has done in the past and thank Him. Then don’t forget to praise Him for what He is GOING TO DO!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends. Jesus will be rhere too.



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