Years ago, during a particularly trying time in my life, I was desperate for answers. I had been praying and asking God for a miracle, or at least for clear direction. I imagined letters falling from heaven and lightning bolts to come out of the sky in answer to my prayer.
But it didn’t happen.
God answered the prayer in an unexpected way. He sent a person. He sent a friend in this instance.
This friend drove from another state, several hours, just to BE with all of us. She didn’t even have the answers; God had not given her specific direction but to GO. So she did just that. She stayed until God said to go back home and all was well. God knew what we needed at that time; we needed Him and He came through our friend.
Look at the story of Moses in the Book of Exodus 18:13-27. Moses was spending from sun-up to sun-down weighing the problems of the people. It didn’t matter how trivial or how important it was, they waited in line to talk to Moses, the man of God. Moses was worn out, physically, mentally and spiritually! Who wouldn’t be? We don’t have proof that Moses even asked God for help but Jehovah-Jireh knew something had to be done.
He sent Jethro. Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law and although he was just there to visit, he was watching what was taking place every day and he could easily see Moses was stretched too thin. His answer? He suggested wisely that Moses appoint leaders over 1,000, over 100, over 50 and over 10 people. Moses would deal with the hard stuff and the capable people he appointed would deal with the day-to-day matters of what kind of toilet tissue to buy.
In this instance, God didn’t speak directly to Moses as He had done before, He didn’t even whisper to him in a still small voice. He sent another person.
Your answered prayer may come in many different forms. One of my favorite sermons of all time was preached by a man from Louisiana who told of the hardships he had experienced growing up in a home with no father. His mother was a very hard working Christian woman; there just wasn’t enough to go around. But his mother knew how to pray and he said she didn’t just bow her head and mumble a few words but she would shut herself in her bedroom and bombard the heavens until the answer came.
One particular time they were completely out of groceries of any kind. She told the children that she was going to prayer and was not coming out until God sent an answer. She began to pray and remind God of all He had done for her before, how He could see those precious little ones, that she was faithful to serve Him and loved Him with all of her heart. She quoted scripture on how He promised to never leave or forsake her.
All of a sudden there came a knock at the door and the little boy opened the door to see a man standing there that he did not recognize. He asked to speak to the woman of the house but the little boy knew he dare not bother Momma, she had warned in no uncertain circumstances for anyone to interrupt her prayer time. The man asked again and again to see her and the children refused. The man got in his pickup truck, and instead of tearing out the driveway, he turned it around and backed it up to the tiny house trailer. He began unloading sack after sack after sack, full of all the staples any household would ever need, and then some. He filled the kitchen table, the counter tops, the kitchen floor and all the way to the door. When he was finished he simply said, “Goodbye” as the children watched in shock and awe.
The little boy ran to his mother’s room and began to beat on the door. “Don’t bother me, Son, I’m praying!” The little boy was trying to tell her what had happened but she prayed on. Finally, he could stand it no longer and yelled as loud as he could, “The answer already came!”
Momma came out to find her home full of groceries and began to shout and praise God. He had answered her prayer, not with money, but by another person who was willing to go and listen to the voice of God.
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow….” Matthew 6:31-34.
Are you waiting on an answer from the Lord? He provides! He might not answer the way YOU think He should but answer He will. He might even tell you to wait or to be patient in the waiting but the answer will come.
It might come in the form of another.
Unexpected and surprising, God might just send people to answer your prayer.
Has He surprised you at other times with an unexpected answer, in an unexpected way? Share with us your testimony to encourage others!
Wow the story as lift up my faith on God some times we can pray and thinking that he can answer the way we are thinking I have seen God to answer my prayers in different ways God is great all times
Thanks so much for linking up at Mondays @ Soul Survival. Pinned on my Mondays … board! Blessings!
Wonderful post and very encouraging. I love the testimony of the praying mum, how wonderful and such an example for us all. Thank you for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
I liked how you added “or want” in there. That is so me! I have a list and then I have the answers for my list too 🙁 Loved your blog and review of the book too. Blessings!
What amazing stories! God doesn’t always answer prayers in the way we expect (or want), but I never tire of hearing things like this. There have definitely been times in my own life when God has sent people to me even when I didn’t realize right away just how much we needed to be there together.
Keep trusting, keep praying and know it is all in His time Danielle. Believing with you today!! ♥
What a beautiful story of provision! What a miracle that it has been in remission for twelve years! So encouraging Connie, I thank you for sharing this today. God bless you and your husband. ♥
Hi Beth, I pray God will provide soon, or should I say in His time 🙂 and that you will be blown away by the way He does it! You are definitely one of those in my life! And thanks for the thumbs up on the blog. You are the first AND ONLY to comment 🙁 I was beginning to think I was the only one who loved it. Blessings friend! ♥
I loved the story about the praying mother and your emphasis on how God uses people very often to help us and answer our prayers, Nannette. I am encouraged by this because I’ve seen it happen in my life and it’s good to remember that sometimes God does answer in this way. I do not need “groceries” per se, but I do have another desire that God has not completely provided for yet. I don’t doubt that He will provide and I’m certain I’ll be just as shocked as the woman in your story when the pieces are in place! Thanks for the shot of divine inspiration! Hey! Maybe you’re one of those “people” God sends in my life! Hugs, sweet sister! Oh, and I love the new look of your blog!
God has delivered more than one miracle to me.
When my husband was diagnosed with leukemia I saw it as a death sentence. Six days later the FDA released a new drug called Glevec . Our doctor had told us it would be at least one and a half years and I knew that my husband would never last that long. I was on my knees crying out to God as never before and He sent a miracle. After the drug was released, we had it in hand within ten days. The leukemia went into remission and has stayed there for the last twelve years.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good”
This was a MAJOR encouragement to me today! We’ve got so many things going on that we don’t have answers to and this was a wonderful reminder to continue trusting and praying! Thank you for sharing those stories of God’s provision!
Thank you Melanie, I followed you as well and enjoyed your site immensely. God always provides. ♥
Love what you said, “when we are willing to leave our own self-centered world…” Amen and amen! thank you!
I am thankful as well Linda! Blessings to you!
That is an awesome word Mary. So thankful your students even minister to you just when you need it. God always knows. ♥
Friends are miracles, amen. Thank you so much for visiting!
We are His hands and feet! I pray to be sensitive to what God wants to use me for. Blessings! ♥
Yes, Hazel, it just might be us! Thank you for that reminder. Blessings.
Yes He does!
God’s got amazing people!
This is an amazing reminder that God does often send someone in answer to a prayer. At times that someone might just be us. I loved the story of God’s provision of groceries. Other times it is just a cup of cold water in His name, and it is also good to know that it can also be a cup of coffee! Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
Hi Nannette! I remember that I read somewhere that we are all God has on this earth. Our hearts, hands and feet are for His work. What a change that mystery-man made in the life of that family! That’s the kind of change we can make if we really try, really listen and take the dare to love!
From Testimony Tuesday,
I love when God works through his people. The relationships in the church are one of my favorite things, it is why I love His people so much. So many times I have wanted a miracle and He has sent me a friend. Praise him that friends are miracles. Thank you for your words today!
Yes and amen! God always provides and even though it doesn’t look like you expected and you might not recognize it as help from God at the time, He does provide. As a teacher I have had many of those moments that have happened when students actually ministered to me and it was exactly what I needed at the time. This school year it was a big hug from a student just when I needed it. Thank you for these words today!
Amen! A fine reminder of God’s never-ending ways to touch us and answer prayers. I praise Him for His bounty to each of us.
Thanks for the reminder. I have had those people come into my life before, and I have been that person before. When we are willing to leave our own self-centered world, He does not promise all will be daisies and roses, but He does promise us blessings. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the reminder that God answers prayer and answers in the form of other people. I love that He sends people!
This is the theme I am seeing again and again this morning! God provides – how, when and using whomever He wishes to use!
Glad to find your site today via #ModestMom. Joined you on Pinterest and Twitter as well~