With the passing of one of Hollywood’s famous faces recently, I was reminded of a time that I actually spent working with him. This isn’t a crazy dream after a bad meal; stick with me.
Back in the mid 80’s, living in Indianapolis, hubby was working late and my brother called and said to get Kyle ready because he had a surprise for us. Kyle was almost five at the time and adored his Uncle J.D.
We drove to Butler University where they were shooting the final scene of the basketball mania film, Hoosiers at Hinkle Fieldhouse. We were going to be extras!. In a skirt and regular attire, I was able to bypass the wardrobe room. “You’re good to go!” Not sure what that said about me that I already looked like I was dressing for the 50’s and had not planned it. I digress.
We were hustled up to the balcony where we were told to scream and holler like crazy, on cue of course, for the final few moments of the tense game between the little farming community guys and the big city fellas.
We could see the actors clearly and even Mr. Hackman. We were so close, so close to others that were famous, who had made it or had it made. They were well known, well liked and even idolized by some. We were almost there, but we weren’t paid, weren’t recognized or given any accolades. (Can you see us? Me either. But we are there somewhere behind the goal.)

Recently, a true story was shared that was beautifully sad and happy, all at the same time. This is not Hollywood. This gracious lady is not famous, except to those that love and adore her.
She has lived many decades on this earth and honors her God with everything that is inside of her. People are drawn to her and feast off of her love of family, church and Jesus.
Her story, as beautiful as it is, is nearly over and it has been touch and go for several days as she lies in a hospital bed preparing to meet the Lord.
One day this past week, her family thought the moment had arrived. Those that love her most naturally do not want to lose her and it looked as if that was imminent. But for some reason, God said, “Not quite yet” and our dear sister opened her eyes and said these words that have stuck with me: “I was almost there!”
She didn’t mean she had missed it, she did not infer that God had turned her away, oh no, not at all. Her dilemma was that she was likely ready to walk through that portal into eternity and even if she didn’t see Jesus then, she surely felt Him and knew He was about to welcome her home.
She Was Almost There.
Imagine her telling her family not to worry about her and maybe even to not pray for her to stay. Everything she has lived for is about to come to pass and now she is ready for that most wonderful and coveted meeting with the One who gave His life for her.
He also did it for you. When your time comes, and it will in one way or another, will you feel as our new friend did? Will you lament that you were “almost there” or will you dread that moment because, perhaps, you do not know Jesus?
It doesn’t have to be that way! The Bible says to “Make your calling and election SURE.” 2 Peter 1:10 (Emphasis mine). While we have time, while it is still day, while we are still under Grace.
May we all live for that day, that glorious day, that is soon to come and is SURE to come. Let us determine that it will be the best day of our lives and strive to take as many with us as we possibly can.