Author Archives: Nannette

About Nannette

Wife to The Sweetheart, Mom to the Fantastic Six, Nana to six of the cutest littles on the planet, Author, The Daniel Fast, A Devotional. UPCI ministers.


#FiveMinuteFriday and today’s word prompt is Done. Join me and read about the miracle of healing God did for me today!

To say I have lived at the dentist the last few years is an understatement. They knew me by my first name in my hometown. They were so good to me. Then I moved to Tennessee and had to search all over again for a dentist. I have found one and they already know me by my first name in such a short time. This week I have spent SIX HOURS and 43 MINUTES in the dentist chair. The story is too long, but I promise you it wouldn’t be boring. It is unbelievable.

In the early morning hours today I awoke with severe pain in my right jaw. I just had another crown replaced on that side on Monday and had two temporaries put in for two more crowns.  Then I was back in the dentist chair for a temporary that had fallen out from that visit and while they were finishing up with the new temporary I felt something floating around in my mouth. I pull it out and it is the new PERMANENT crown they had put in on my bottom right side two days earlier! Suffice it to say I was beside myself. They do finally get it fixed and send me on my way.

Back to today, the pain I was experiencing this morning was coming from that permanent crown and radiating up my jaw into my ear. I’ve had a lot of pain lately with dental appointments, and of course my lumbar spinal fusion surgery, but this had me nearly in tears.

I get up and start my day with devotion, trying to ignore what is pounding in my head. I get through the devotion and finally cry out to the Lord that I just cannot call the dentist today. I cannot go through whatever is causing the pain. I. Just. Cannot. Bear. One. More. Thing.

I’m done.

I prayed and reminded myself that God has healed me of migraine headaches! I began to praise Him for that when The Sweetheart walks in the room. I told him what was going on and could we please pray. Why should I have to go back to the dentist when the King of Kings calls me His own? When I have His Spirit living inside of me, I should be able to call on the Name above all Names and be touched today.

We prayed and he went on his way and I went back to praying and within just a couple minutes…the pain was gone. Completely gone! I sit there waiting, just being human and making sure it truly was gone. (smile) I didn’t wait long and I was beside myself  all over again but in a different way.

When He speaks, when He shows up, it is complete, it is finished, it is done! I don’t know what other things I might face with all the issues I have going on in my mouth, but today God took away excruciating pain that I just couldn’t possibly deal with another minute.

Does He always answer every prayer when we want Him to? I still have back pain, I still have nerve pain and muscle spasms and all kinds of woes with the healing from this surgery. But that doesn’t mean He isn’t God! He is still in control! His timing is not ours, everything is for His glory and when the timing is right, He heals, saves, delivers, sends money, rights wrongs, puts homes back together, and on and on and on.

So I share with you today an absolute instant miracle so He would receive the glory. Everything points back to Him so He is lifted up, magnified and others can see Him better. Know today that He hears your EVERY prayer and when it is in His timing He will speak and say,

“It is done.”

For the kingdom

4 Things To Do in a Season of Wait

Maybe you have heard the story of the lady who read this scripture, “And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” Malachi 3:3. She was curious about its meaning so she sought out a silversmith and asked him about the process of refining silver. After he explained the procedures she asked him, “Sir, do you sit while the refining is taking place?”

The silversmith replied that he did, indeed, sit and watch the furnace constantly because if the time necessary for refining went over just the slightest degree the silver would be damaged or injured.

The lady was thrilled to be able to understand the scripture in Malachi and see why the silversmith would sit while working.

Are you in a refining fire? Are you in a season of waiting?

Waiting is just plain hard. Whether it is for a financial need, a healing, marital intervention, praying for Mr. or Mrs. Right, children on the wrong path, or salvation for your neighbor, it is difficult to let those prayers escape our lips and then sit back and trust God to do the work.

4 things to do in a season of wait

4 Things to do in a Season of Wait

  1. Pray. Yes, pray! The Bible says to pray about everything and worry about nothing! “Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything.With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 CET. But it doesn’t end there, it gives you the result of your giving those needs to God and leaving them there! “…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” If you do this, He will give you a peace that cannot be described!
  2. Share. Sometimes it is good to ask a friend to come alongside of us and believe together. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. Your friend, and confidant, cannot change your season but they can be there for you and take your need to the throne. That is powerful.
  3. Keep Busy. Do not allow yourself to be so consumed with your wait that you can’t see anything else around you. Pour yourself into the life of another who is hurting, you will be amazed at how your own cares will pale in comparison when you are focused on someone other than YOU. And while you are busy caring for a stranger, friend or neighbor? Your season will change in God’s time!
  1. Remember what He has done in the past. This is huge. Every trial that has come your way has been used of God to make you strong and then you can be used to help someone else! So, while in your season of waiting, remind yourself of all the prayers He has answered, even the ones you attribute just to LIFE, and praise Him for what He has done…and what He is going to do!

Back to the silversmith…the lady gathered up her things to leave and when she got to the door she turned and asked, in famous Columbo style, “Oh, just one more thing….how do you know when the waiting process is complete?”

The silversmith replied, “That’s the easy part! When I can see my own image in the silver!”

God always has a bigger plan; we just can’t see it ahead of time. But in that waiting season He is purifying us, refining us and making us more like Him.

Hold on, this is just a season but one that is oh, so very important! Let God be God and purify you to reflect His image!


The story behind America, the Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies…

When we hear that first line of one of our most beloved national hymns, the emotions of Love for Country stir within us. Do you know the story behind this Independence Day song?

Katharine Lee Bates (1859 -1929), wrote the original poem in 1893 and revised it twice in 1904 and 1913. The words of this song came from a poem of the same title by Bates. It was originally published in the July 4th edition of The Congregationalist, 1895.

Bates was a teacher and professor of English at Wellesley College, poet and author of books such as America the Beautiful and Other Poems, which was published in 1911.

She made a trip to the summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado, which was her inspiration for the lyrics to America the Beautiful. There is a plaque there today and the story is best told by Katharine herself: “We strangers celebrated the close of the session by a merry expedition to the top of Pike’s Peak, making the ascent by the only method then available for people not vigorous enough to achieve the climb on foot nor adventurous enough for burro-riding. Prairie wagons, their tail-boards emblazoned with the traditional slogan, “Pike’s Peak or Bust,” were pulled by horses up to the half-way house, where the horses were relieved by mules.

We were hoping for half an hour on the summit, but two of our party became so faint in the rarified air that we were bundled into the wagons again and started on our downward plunge so speedily that our sojourn on the peak remains in memory hardly more than one ecstatic gaze. It was then and there, as I was looking out over the sea-like expanse of fertile country spreading away so far under those ample skies, that the opening lines of the hymn floated into my mind.”

The original melody was written in 1882 by Samuel Augustus Ward, a composer and organist. It was titled Materna and was first published in 1910. It was sung for many years to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. It was said there were as many as 74 different melodies tried out on the poem before deciding on the one we hold so dear.

Ward died one year before the song was published as America the Beautiful. Ward and Bates never did meet.

Interestingly, Ward’s family never obtained any royalties for the song and Bates received $5 when the poem was first published and then gave up all royalties to the title.

Along with My Country ‘Tis of Thee and The Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful was considered for the national anthem. But President Herbert Hoover signed a law giving the right to bear the national anthem to The Star Spangled Banner. Many disagreed and have lobbied down through the years for it to be changed to America the Beautiful. There are still many active petitions today.

America The Beautiful:
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears.

America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

Many things have changed since Katharine Bates first penned these lyrics. Some might say she would hardly recognize her Beautiful America today. Yet, we are still among the most blessed people in the world to live in a free country. May you enjoy the patriotic unity we feel on this wonderful holiday of Independence Day and let us pray that we always enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear.

From sea to shining sea.

Ray Charles’ rendition seems to be beloved by so many…enjoy!

Do you have a favorite memory of Independence Day? What are you doing to celebrate this most patriotic of holidays? Share with us!