Author Archives: Nannette

About Nannette

Wife to The Sweetheart, Mom to the Fantastic Six, Nana to six of the cutest littles on the planet, Author, The Daniel Fast, A Devotional. UPCI ministers.

Why does the lion roar?

Why does the lion roar? Winding down our 31 days of Fasting Together! You can read any missed posts here. Be blessed!

“Does a lion ever roar in a thicket without first finding a victim? Does a young lion growl in its den without first catching its prey?” Amos 3:4 NLT.

God has given Satan permission to rule on Earth until He comes again for His Bride. Since that time, there has been a constant struggle for good and evil. Satan, the slanderer, was cast out of heaven after he revolted, wanting more power, authority and control; He wanted to be like God. He took one third of the angels with him in the fall and has been trying to increase his army for centuries by stalking and devouring his prey.

The lion roamed freely in the Middle East when Peter warned us to “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). Today, we are most familiar with a lion that we see in a concrete jungle. He is subdued, maybe even tame, just sitting around waiting for something to happen. It was not so in Peter’s day. He used the analogy of the lion as a comparison to the devil for good reason.

Spiritual warfare is real; it is active and alive just as much today as it was thousands of years ago. Satan is still vying for that #1 position and he wants to destroy anyone who follows Jesus Christ, his archenemy.

Lions are a unique breed. A pride of lions typically includes about five females and two males and their young. Lion prides that have plenty of food available to them have no trouble being territorial. They will go along and mark their space with their own bodily fluids and also by roaring. The male prides are by nature the most vocal whereas the females and young cubs are usually silent. Each male has its own distinctive sound.

“We know that we are of God and the whole world is in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19).

The roar of a lion exudes power. Even though they might look a little comical trying to pull off a giant roar there seems to be a feeling of great accomplishment to the perpetrator when he exhales his cry of muscle. Does that sound familiar? Satan’s biggest weapon is intimidation and fear yet he can only go as far as the Lord will allow him.

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19.
To answer the question in Amos 3:4: Does a lion roar without a victim? No, he will not unless he can see it and has it in his grip. He will roar when he first spots the creature, leaving it paralyzed with fear. It would, under normal circumstances, perhaps be swift enough to escape but the terrifying sound of a lions’ roar renders it helpless. He then will roar over his catch, usually inviting others to enjoy the take with him.

The devil is much the same way. He prowls, looking for opportunity to sneak up on us, catching us when we are most vulnerable and then pounces quickly for the attack. Satan means adversary, or enemy. He is just like a lion circling his prey, hoping to catch one straggler that is weak and has left the security of the Shepherd. He wants to intimidate! The color of a lion’s coat is a natural disguise, they blend into their surroundings and even though they can weigh up to 500 pounds and be ten feet long, they are still nearly invisible.

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.” Luke 22:31. Jesus knew the enemy was prowling after Peter, looking for an opportunity to trip him up. He fell asleep when he should have been praying. He jumps up and hastily cuts off the ear of Malchus and then he ultimately denies his Lord. Peter was being stalked. He was being hunted!

Satan also wants to accuse us of past wrongs or bring guilt upon us to make us think we have not been forgiven. That kind of guilt is not from God and will keep us from believing in the grace and mercy of the Lord. This is where Satan uses his hunting ability to its fullest advantage. He knows that those who do not pray, who have become complacent, are easy prey.

The lion will roar at any time of the night but most usually just before the sun comes up. The air is thinner and the sound would travel further. Sometimes, if conditions are right, the lion can be heard roaring miles away. Our archenemy is just as stealth in his attacks. So many of our fears come upon us at night when we are alone and vulnerable.

He doesn’t destroy right away but to those that may have dropped back a little from the herd he attacks first. He may cause great pain by pinning down his victim and inflicting wounds of doubt, fear and overwhelming failure.

Understand how very real spiritual warfare is. Author and pastor, A.W. Tozer knew this. He had visited Africa many times, maybe even living in lion country. He remarked once after a difficult trial in his life this: “But I will tell you something – it is a delightful thing when you know that you are close enough to the adversary that you can hear him roar! Too many Christians never get into “lion country” at all!”

He makes it all sound glamorous. He didn’t mean it that way at all. He was saying that because spiritual warfare exists, and it will not be going away any time soon, we, as children of God, should not be afraid of our enemy if we are in relationship with Jesus Christ. He overcame death, hell and the grave! We also can overcome any situation that presents itself if we know Him.

If you aren’t doing anything for God, you do not pose a threat to the devil. If you do not pray, fast, witness in your walk and talk, you do not give Satan anything to be concerned about. Maybe you aren’t even on his target list because he already has you right where he wants you. Complacent, satisfied with the status quo, maybe a little smug thinking you can handle things all alone.

Friend, this is so dangerous! We must recognize the works of the enemy of our souls! “…so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11.

 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.”  2 Corinthians 2:3-6.

The weapons that God has given us are more powerful than the roar of any lion! They are divinely powerful to destroy fortresses. Powerful enough to destroy  speculations (rumors, gossip) and every arrogant or proud argument raised up against the knowledge of God. In the Holy Ghost, we are able to take every thought captive. Every thought! And the last line is so important. We are ready to punish all disobedience. When? When our obedience is complete.

Let us resolve in this new year to be on guard against the wiles of the devil and his schemes. Praying every day and fasting on a regular basis , pouring ourselves into the Word and living in an atmosphere of praise will bring victory and overcoming power. Greater is HE that is in YOU than he that is in the world!

How are you coming along with your fasting? Be sure and pick up a paperback or Kindle copy of The Daniel Fast – A Devotional! With 21 days of devotions depicting actual Biblical fasts and how they relate to us today, it is a valuable resource to have handy for years to come. Also includes recipes for each day of the fast and three days of preparation devotions and information on fasting! Available now on Amazon!


Fasting together: The dust I can’t see

Today’s post is from a conversation the Lord started with me a while back. I hope it is a blessing to you. You can read all of the previous Fasting Together posts here.

“You really have to hand it to short people; they usually can’t reach it anyway.”

So, it’s no secret I am vertically challenged. I stopped growing upward when I was about 11. Yay, me. As far as I am concerned, there should be a law your body follows that says you cannot spread out if you cannot grow up. And yet we all know that rule never has gone viral.

Some short people problems?

  • I automatically start swinging my feet like a little kid when sitting in a chair that’s too tall for me.
  • I am simply giddy when I meet someone who is shorter than me.
  • Would you believe I have never looked out into the hallway through a peephole in a hotel room?
  • Awkward hugs from people taller than me are just that: awkward.
  • People who think they are cute when they take your things and hold them over their head where you can’t reach; yeah, not cute.
  • You never know who is giving the sermon at church because you can’t see over or around the person in front of you.
  • Worse than above, sitting behind someone with a hat on.
  • And the award for most embarrassing goes to those that bend their knees when having their picture taken with you.

 You get the idea. It’s a curse.

But there are other things about being short that can come back to haunt you. One of those is not being able to see the dirt in your own home.

I literally have to remind myself every few months to dust the top of the refrigerator, the hutch and any tall cabinets. I can’t see them, out of sight, out of mind, but taller people can and what I think looks great, they see nothing but a layer of dust.


The Lord seemed to remind me of this yesterday when I was cleaning the house. It was as if He whispered, what about the dust you can’t see? What things are hidden from me but yet are in plain sight for others? Do I have faults and failures that are obvious to friends and family but I am completely blinded by them?

Thankfully, the Lord will reveal things to us in prayer if we will listen. He will show us those things that maybe we have swept under the rug, or to the back of our minds thinking they aren’t really hindering us in our walk or that we will deal with them later…when we have time.

But that dust piles up! It grows and becomes more and more of a problem. When we finally do decide to clean it up, it takes more than just a dust rag to get it all. It becomes a process that may involve a vacuum, then a rag, maybe furniture polish or a wet cloth to get the greasy residue that has collected, such as on a refrigerator.

We all get busy, our prayer lives are neglected, Bible reading is minimal or rushed through and checked off and fasting? Yikes, it’s something we intend to do, know we need to do and wish we did more but in reality, it is like a faraway friend; we might visit once a year.

Matthew West sings a powerful song I have heard many times but yesterday the words struck me (also a powerful story behind the song!)

I don’t wanna go through the motions

I don’t wanna go one more day

Without Your all consuming passion inside of me

I don’t wanna spend my whole life asking

What if I had given everything

Instead of going through the motions?

So, how can we remove this dust we can’t see?

We must become intentional.

Intentionally rise a few minutes early and find a good devotion and Bible study. Intentionally turn off distractions and take time to pray. And finally, intentionally set aside time on a regular basis to fast and pray.

Stop going through the motions and become intentional about our walk with God!

The good news is there will be instant rewards! We will begin to get our passion for the lost back and start to fall in love with God all over again. We will start to crave the Word and look forward to reading it when we realize the power that it holds.

Recently, a beautiful new convert at church was sharing her excitement over the power of prayer. She believed what she heard from her pastor, that if she had the Holy Spirit, she then had authority and power to pray and ask God to intervene in a situation and He would…and He did. She was blown away to realize that she didn’t have to stop and ask anyone else to pray the prayer for her, she went straight to a Holy God herself and by the power that He had given her, Christ IN her, He heard and answered that prayer, according to His will.

My friend has been clearing the dust away, (she’s a shorty too!) and allowing God to show her areas in her life that still need cleaning.

If you don’t want to spend your entire life asking; “What if I had given everything?” Then get out that dust rag, dust pan, vacuum, etc., whatever it takes, and ask the Lord to help you start that cleaning process.

He will be glad to help.

(You can read my other humorous post about being a shorty here and I would love to hear your own stories about being the small-fry.) 

Don’t forget to grab your copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional! Good for any fast, it is a great, simple read with devotions for every day of a three week fast. Get yours on Amazon here!

Fasting together: Pulling down strongholds

Fasting together: Pulling down strongholds. Catch up on any posts you have missed this month here

Friends, it is no secret that there is a war taking place right in front of us. This isn’t a political war, this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE. What do we do? We have most likely heard it preached our entire lives but maybe we never could wrap our heads around the fact that it would actually happen in our lifetime.

It’s here.

But read on, fasting and prayer pulls down strongholds! You say, “We have been praying, we are fasting, but nothing has changed, it’s getting worse!”  Remember the early Church? The Book of Acts church? Yes, they suffered, they were persecuted, many gave their very lives. Yet because of the persecution, the fact that they had to scatter and basically run for their lives, the Gospel was spread around the world!

This is our focus now: Souls!

If we can keep from being distracted and get on our knees, fast and get in the Word, God can lead us to people we never thought possible. Even if we lose our social platforms, we have neighbors, co-workers, friends and family that do not know Jesus. Surely many are scared and apprehensive, if not they will soon be looking for answers and direction.

You have the answer! Keep fasting, keep praying, continue to ask God to send you to hungry souls and He will do it. Let’s look at another example in the Word:

We have discussed in earlier posts that Jesus told His disciples that some things do not get taken care of except by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:14-21.

If you are fasting for others, a loved one, a prodigal, someone dear to you for whatever reason…these battles of spiritual warfare will take dominion over the power of the enemy!

Ephesians 6:12 KJV. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Our fight is not with flesh and blood, or with people, but it is against the powers that influence people.

This is a spiritual battle, seen or unseen. We must have a disciplined prayer life and couple that with regular fasting!

Fasting breaks strongholds! It can literally set people free from the chains that bind them. But in order to do that, that strong man must be taken care of first. 

“For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.” (Jesus speaking) Matthew 12:29 NLT

Did you catch that verse? The strong man is Satan and he has slaves that do his bidding and are yoked, or bound, to wickedness.

But prayer WITH fasting can literally break that yoke and set people free from bondage.

Then they will be able to come to God without hindrance. 

The story is told of how praying intercessors in the country of Panama overcame the strongman that had a hold on their nation. Some may remember the people of Panama suffered much under the reign of the dictator, Manuel Noriega. Maybe you have heard the stories about helicopters flying overhead and dropping large garbage bags with the dead bodies of those he considered a threat to his agenda. Noriega allegedly was involved in the occult and even practiced voodoo.

There were, fortunately, some spiritually in tune, godly people in the country that decided they could overtake this strongman…without carnal weapons. Their weapons were mighty through God to the pulling down of those strongholds! This prayer army prayed all night…on buses! Once a month, one leader would pray over the radio broadcast then those on the buses would begin to agree in prayer and intercede along with those who were also praying at home.

Noriega likely never knew that he was up against the most powerful force in the universe. Prayer and fasting will change us and will change the world.
Reading in Daniel 10 when he was fasting for 21 days, angels were loosed to fight on his behalf. They literally had to fight devils in order to get a word from God to Daniel. His prayer and fasting were shaking things up.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 98B76598-ADE7-43B0-8F3B-C0B1958B295F-1024x575.pngPrayers were answered; chains were broken.

Get that Bible out and start reading scripture out loud when you pray. Take authority in the Spirit and watch what happens while you are on this fast. You may face opposition…but keep pressing in and pressing on. The battle is the Lord’s; you are just clay in the Potter’s hands. He will take care of His own!

There is power in prayer and fasting, God is going to do great things in these last days and YOU are a part of it! He didn’t leave the apostles here for the Last Days, he left YOU! Be strong in the Lord and encouraged, if you have the Spirit of God in you, there is more power than you even realize and God is just waiting for you to let it be activated.

Be encouraged! I’m sharing an easy Daniel Fast recipe for a great peanut butter smoothie. Enjoy and meet me here again tomorrow for another Biblical devotion.

Daniel Fast Recipe:

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Here is a great morning pick-me-up/on-the-go recipe. We have mentioned that on the Daniel Fast you drink only water, and most usually smoothies are used as meal replacements on the Daniel Fast, not as a treat, dessert or a reward.

This one calls for peanut butter, but it is NOT regular peanut butter. This is natural peanut butter without added sugar, which is easy to find in the same location as the others, just read the label. There are good organic peanut butters and there are store brand peanut butters with no added sugar.

All you need is a banana, (I freeze mine! Peel and wrap them in plastic wrap. When you need one just let it sit out about ten minutes. This replaces the ice.)  2-3 Tablespoons of natural peanut butter, a splash or two of unsweetened almond milk. Blend together and you have breakfast!

Don’t forget to grab your copy of The Daniel Fast Devotional. Good for any fast, it is a great, simple read with devotions for every day of a three week fast. Get yours on Amazon here!

Noriega Reference: Cindy Jacobs, Generals International, 8-17-15