Category Archives: My 3 Sons

Take it

I never would have dreamed I could fall in love with a bulldog. I didn’t grow up with pets in the house; my mother did not allow it. (Except for the one time our beautiful Irish Setter somehow got in while we were gone to church. When Mom walked through the door, there he sat on her new living room chair, proud as he could be of his burglar techniques!)

Carrying that clean-freak trait with me when I got married, I couldn’t imagine having a pet in the house, nor did I dream my kids would either.

Enter Kristopher. He has a problem. He is a neat freak too. Mr. Clean, we call him at times. He might get busy and things get a little cluttered every once in a while but it will drive him crazy until he can deep clean and put things back in order.

Enter Eisley Quinn.

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This little bundle of short fur has changed everything. Kristopher wanted a dog for the longest time and finally took the plunge with Eisley, a registered English Bulldog.

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Eisley was the runt of the litter so thankfully, she is not going to be this 100 pound old dog sitting on the couch with the remote in her hand in years to come. She is still adorable. In a bulldog kind of way.

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Kristopher has taught Eisley a few tricks and is doing his best to instill some manners in her. Sometimes he is successful, sometimes not so much.

One trick that he is especially proud of is at meal time. As soon as Eisley hears her bowl being filled with delicious nuggets of doggie heaven, she runs. Literally. But when she arrives, all in anticipation of the flavors of chicken, tuna and rice that she is about to experience in a gourmet meal, the wind is taken from her sails when Kristopher says, “Sit.” Sternly.

So she sits. She waits. A little impatiently but she waits. He might have to point and repeat himself as she slyly edges forward a bit. But she sits.

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This part drives ME crazy. I want to give in, just let her have her food for crying out loud. I remind Kristopher I would never have made him wait for his dinner.

Then all of a sudden, with Eisley’s eyes locked on her master, he says those coveted words:

Take it.

Boom, she is on it like no tomorrow. She doesn’t just saunter over casually and sniff around. She takes it! She zooms in on it and devours what she has been blessed to have.

I’ve thought a lot about those two words this week.

Take it.

We have been blessed in so many ways as the people of the Most High God. He wants to give us even more spiritual blessings and power that we cannot contain. It is ours but we don’t take it.

With the power of the Holy Ghost residing within us we have that same power that Jesus used to raise the dead, heal the sick and set people free from the bondage of sin. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.  ‘Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’” John 14:12-13 ESV.

We limit the power of God every single day. Either because of lack of faith, confidence or sometimes just pure laziness, we fail to tap into the resources He has left with us. Look at those words again, “The works that I do, he will do also.” Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ!

But there is more. He said GREATER WORKS than these would WE do in His name so that the Father would be glorified.

What can we believe Him for today? Do we truly want an outpouring of His spirit in these last days? Do we want to see our friends and loved ones saved and ready to meet Jesus? Do we want to have the power to overcome (we’re going to need it, friends!) no matter what is sent our way? Do we want to have enough of the Holy Ghost within us to even lay down our lives if it is necessary?

Jesus holds all of that power in His hands and He is holding it out for us as a gift. It belongs to us according to His Word.

Friends and Family saved.
Needs met.
Signs and wonders. (His Word declared we would have them!)
Miracles of healing and deliverance.
Strength to overcome in these last and evil days.
Joy unspeakable!

It is ours for the taking!

Can you imagine a parent holding out a beautifully wrapped present to their child and them just standing there trying to decide if they have the energy to reach out and grab it? No! That child trusts the mom or dad with the gift in their hands and isn’t about to turn down a free doll, truck, game or new underwear!

Can you imagine the frustration of our Lord in these last days? There we stand, caught up in worry, stress and busyness that we don’t even look to Him for help, nor do we realize He is standing there with the answer.

May we realize our place today, the  most exciting time to be alive and to be The Church! God has not called the disciples to be here in the endtime. He has called you and me. Let us rise to the occasion, in anticipation like Eisley, knowing our Master has trained us, equipped us and given us all we need to succeed.

Take it!

take it


DF cover side viewDon’t forget your copy of The Daniel Fast, A Devotional. Great for ANY FAST or prayer journey. On Amazon in paperback and Kindle and Barnes and Noble too! Be blessed!

Sharing with Modest Monday, Testimony Tuesday, Mondays Soul Survival,Ra Ra link up, Wake Up Wednesday, Whole Hearted Wednesday, Raising Homemakers Linkup, Counting our Blessings, Wedded Wednesday

The Spring Break from You-Know-Where

Spring Break: A rite of passage for teenagers; a getaway for the young family and the week the rest of the vacationers stay home!

We always tried to do something for My Three Sons during Spring Break. It wasn’t usually a vacation in Aruba (okay, it was never a vacation in Aruba) but we attempted to give them a memory somewhere.

This particular year, going back to when our youngest was about six and my oldest had just turned 17,  The Sweetheart couldn’t get away at that time but my best friend, and SIL, Sue had a timeshare at a resort in Myrtle Beach. Her hubby couldn’t go either so we had this brainstorm that we would take all the kids, and then some, and go by without the Men.

Our caravan grew to include HER parents, MY parents (the four of them were also best friends) and the best friend of our two oldest sons. We had friends!

We had three cars in this entourage and for some reason I was chosen to lead the pack.

Let’s pause a moment here to fully get the picture. Shortly before this vacation that soon would be lodged in our memory banks forever, The Sweetheart decided we needed to trade cars. I didn’t agree as he had just bought me a brand new Honda Accord and I was quite happy with it. I actually think we leased our first car ever and I’m sure it was cheap. I wanted a new van, for crying-out-loud I had THREE BOYS, but the Accord was also brand new so I sucked it up.

We hadn’t had it very long when he came up with the bright idea that we needed a bigger car. And it had to have leather…again, three boys. So, one day on his drive home from his job as an air traffic controller at the Indianapolis Center, he stopped and looked at a car that he thought would be perfect for me. He came home all excited telling me about the low miles, what great shape it was in and…it was leather and loaded. He insisted we drive up and see it.

I got out at the dealership and scanned the lot…I didn’t see anything I was overly excited about but he did. Grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his new-found love. There she stood in all her glory. This wasn’t a new family vehicle to me. This, folks, was a police car.

2MELM75W5TX660417-2cOkay, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. There was no wide white stripe down the middle, no extra antennas where they shouldn’t be, nor were there any flashing lights mounted on top. It was a black Mercury Marquis and all I could see was a state trooper getting out and asking me for my driver’s license.


The Ford Crown Victoria was identical to the Mercury (or at least to me) and the police version was termed The Interceptor.

We took it for a test drive and three people pulled over.

There have been some rare times in our marriage that I could not persuade my beloved or change his mind. This was one of those.

Fast forward a few months later and we are preparing for our trip. My SIL and her two youngest girls were riding with me and my two youngest boys. There was plenty of room in the backseat for a five, six, eleven and twelve year old. We were set.

In the Jeep behind us were my niece Juli, my oldest, Kyle, his best friend since birth and cousin, Jeremy and their best friend, Nate. Bringing up the rear were our parents.

Let’s head south!

Spring Break

Everything was going great, and everyone was getting along well, until we hit construction in Louisville. All of a sudden, flying down I-65, the oldest daughter, my beloved, sweet niece, Dacia, hollers out that she is about to be sick. Seriously people, the words were hardly out of her mouth until we hear that sound that no parent wants to hear…especially on a road trip.

Immediately, the other three begin yelling and begging to get OUT of the car. I am trying my best as navigator to find an exit and get off of the highway but not fast enough because the youngest, sweet, adorable little niece, Jenna, (give her a break, she was only five) hollered out, “Mommy, I don’t like that smelllll….” Her words trailed off as we heard a heave from the back seat and she throws up right in her lap. By then, my sons were literally beside themselves screaming to VACATE THE CRUISER NOW!

I don’t believe we had cell phones then, or certainly all of us didn’t, so it was a game of follow-the-leader for the rest of the rat pack.

I pulled over next to a construction site and we all piled out of the car, some more dramatically others. The rest of the caravan arrived to see what was going on and out of 14 people in attendance, only TWO came to our aid. You guessed it, The Blessed Grandmothers. The rest of the entourage watched, and laughed, from a distance.

Here is where the beautiful leather in this police vehicle came in handy. We cleaned everything up, some even changed clothes, and we were back on the road after a short stop at a gas station for some even better cleaning up. The Sweetheart, had he been there, would have been patting himself on the back.

That wasn’t so bad, we assess between deep breaths of fresh air coming from the open windows.

We made it to the beautiful resort in Myrtle Beach and began our memorable vacation. We had a wonderful time; great food, great weather and great fun.

The week flew by all too quickly and it was time to head home. Dacia, the sweet one with the tummy problem on the way down, hadn’t shown any signs of sickness all week long. Jenna, her little sister, was also just fine. We decided it must have been something Dacia had eaten (and Jenna had to breathe in) so we basically forgot about it.

We are all loaded up and were heading out of Myrtle Beach, leaving the carefree life of Spring Break freedom behind us. We were barely out of the resort community, definitely not out of Myrtle Beach proper, when Dacia pipds up, “Mom, I am going to be…”

And the nightmare returned.


Now there’s a word you don’t use very often. The synonyms for this word are other neat words such as missile and rocket.

That is what it felt like to me as a stream of unwanted stomach refuse was literally hurled from the back seat, over the front seat and sailed past my ear and then came in fierce, direct contact with the steering wheel and dash of my new, but not so loved, police car.

I had been hit.

Remember, The Interceptor? I had just intercepted, along with the car and Dacia’s mother, a most unwanted attack of the most putrid kind. Her aim could not have been any more direct had she tried.

I pulled into a gas station that appeared out of nowhere and by now we were good at this: Everyone out of the car at lightning fast speed and clothes, backpacks, blankets, pillows and toys flew everywhere.

Poor Dacia was standing in the gas station parking lot still deathly sick. It was not a welcome sight. The Blessed Grandmother’s, again, were our only friends. The Three Amigos, Kyle, Jer and Nate, were staying way back in their Jeep but I don’t remember anyone laughing this time, or at least not out loud. I think Juli might have gotten out to help but my memory is pretty fuzzy…I was too busy cleaning unwanted bile out of my hair.

We were running back and forth in the gas station to get wet towels, dry towels, anything that would clean up the car while my Sue and Mamaw Bert tried to clean up Dacia. Yes, if you are wondering, the manager of this establishment was mortified at the sight unfolding at his place of business.

Have you ever tried to clean vomit off of your radio, air conditioner vents and cassette player? (Remember, this was the 90’s.) It was not easy, especially with paper towels from a convenience store bathroom.

Somehow we accomplished the task set before us. We were forever indebted to The Blessed Grandmothers, Mamaw Bert and Mamaw Sandy, for their bravery and we were back on the road.

Now, in defense of Dacia, (yes, I have her permission to share this story), this was a violent bug that she had. The poor little thing was sick the entire trip home. She had to keep a bag with her in the back seat and she was simply miserable. To her delight, a few of her traveling companions vacated their positions and rode with The Grandparents. This at least gave her some room to lie down. Dacia is now a beautiful mother of two sweet babies and a DIY blogger in her own rite! Go check out her Lemon Drop Life!

For years we have referred to that trip as the Vacation from The Pit. But it really was a great week in spite of the drive down AND the drive back. When I asked Dacia if I could share this story, I texted and said it was the best memory I had of the worst car I had ever owned. She replied, “THAT’s the best memory?!” Yes, it is the ONLY memory!

But then I began to search my memory and found out that isn’t true, Dacia. I have other memories…

  • I couldn’t see over the dash but was too stubborn to get a pillow.
  • People couldn’t see me from behind and it looked like no one was driving this car.
  • Every time I would head up Highway 37  people would slow down when they glanced in their rear view mirrors or passed me.
  • Then, embarrassingly, when they realized they just hit their brakes for a 30-something, 5 ft. short WOMAN in a fake police car…they pointed and laughed.
Thanks, Sweetheart, for the memories.


Sharing with Messy Marriage, Tell His Story, Homemaking Linkup, A Little R & R, House to Home, Thought Provoking Thursday, Amaze Me Mondays, Motivation Monday, Making your home sing, Inspire me Monday, modest Mondays, Mama Moments Monday, Treasure Box TuesdayMemories

Oh, be still my hurried heart…


My life should be slower…calmer…definitely less stressful. My Three Sons are grown and gone. There are no school activities to rush to, no lunches to pack, clothes to pick out (or up) and backpacks to trip over. That part of my life is, sadly, finished.

But still I hurry.

My head spins with deadlines, commitments and obligations. I don’t seem to be able to organize or prioritize like I once did when I was younger.

But still I hurry.

I have tasks. I travel most weekends, Thursdays to Mondays usually, around the Midwest and even around the world sharing the ministry of Revival By Design and teaching and training leadership. (Check out our upcoming Faith Journey trip to the country of Malta!)

Jobs, duties, chores and responsibilities all keep me overwhelmed and yet my life is simple compared to many of yours. You may be experiencing an empty nest like me and have had your life roles and goals adjusted somewhat.

Yes, you still hurry…

You are busy wiping noses, cleaning up spills, chasing the dog, the cat, the rabbit, and the hamster around the house. You work full time (and then some), whether you are mom or dad, and you also have a house to clean, bills to pay, laundry to fold, meals to fix and endless questions to answer and decisions to make.

Jesus had a job too. (Grasp that! Jesus had a job!!) The Bible says Jesus was a carpenter by trade. “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?” Mark 6:3.

The Greek word here is tektōn (τέκτων), which means builder. He could have been a carpenter, as we think of one today, but because of the region and resources around Him, most everything was built from stone. He very well could have been taught the trade of a stonemason. We just know He, like His father, was a builder, a craftsman.

He would have begun to learn His father’s trade by the age of 12, according to Jewish custom. The future Savior of the world knew what it meant to sweat, to labor, to work and most likely to get paid! He didn’t lay down His life until He was 33 years old and His earthly ministry was brief. It is reasonable to assume He had a job and earned a living, even if it was from His own father. Did you ever think that about Jesus having a job?

Even though His trade is mentioned in scripture, it is never mentioned by Jesus.

Of course we can assume He was entirely too busy healing the sick, raising the dead and revealing Himself as Messiah to stop and build someone a fireplace. The disciples had all walked away from their livelihood and so did the Savior.

Jesus was more concerned with people. He didn’t say that everyday living was not important; He just emphasized what was MOST important.

“One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, ‘What commandment is the foremost of all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The foremost is, ‘HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH…’” Mark 12:28-29.

He is first. He is also the last. We know He is everything in between! His Word declares Him to be our all in all. Jesus said unto them, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.’” John 8:58.

“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3:11 NIV.

What did He say was the second greatest commandment? “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31.

Love your neighbor (that doesn’t just mean those that live on your cul-de-sac) as you love yourself. There is no greater commandment!

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another…” Romans 12:10

This is the only place this verb, preferring, appears and it means to go before as a guide. Honor is the honor due from each to all. “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3 NLT.

Jesus did that too. He took time for others, He preferred them, showed them the way and yet He didn’t belittle them and He didn’t ignore them. He didn’t go around doing good to elevate His ego; He valued others over the things He had to accomplish in His short time on earth…they WERE His agenda, His purpose, His reason for living!

Oh be still my hurried heart

  • Am I too busy for the one sitting next to me on the bus that is grieving a loss?
  • Am I too preoccupied with my household chores to stop and give a kind word to my neighbor who might be going through a divorce?

Will there ever be a day that we will no longer hear, “If there’s anything I can do, you just call me.”?

Can we reverse that tradition and just DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE?

I think I become most frustrated at myself and others when I hear those familiar phrases, or God forbid, it comes out of my mouth. (And yes, it has, I am guilty too!) But it is past time that we, as the Church, as the Body of Christ stopped waiting to be asked and just do what needs to be done.

  • Love our neighbor.
  • Heal the hurting with that love.
  • Fix a meal without waiting on the one that is in need to call us. (They won’t btw.)
  • Babysit for that exasperated single mother.
  • Sit with the elderly for an hour or two.
  • Send flowers.
  • Pick flowers!
  • Wash a busy dad’s car.
  • Walk a widow’s dog!
  • Send a card, a real card. (Nothing wrong with emails and cyber notes either but do you remember what it feels like to get snail mail?)
  • And finally, definitely my worst fault and trait which all of those that know me best can attest to…pick up the phone. Yes, even if it means hearing the same thing over and over again for an hour. It’s just an hour but it is the highlight of their day, week, month…

Where is your hurried heart? Can you slow down long enough to encourage, and in turn lift your own spirits by spreading the love of Christ? The mission of the Church is to share the Gospel and one of the best ways to do that is to show His love in our actions and words. He says when we have done it unto the least of those then we have also done it unto Him.

God help our hurried hearts to take time to love like Jesus.

What are some ways you feel we could make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with every day?


DF cover side viewThe Daniel Fast is still going strong into March! You can get this great devotional, good for ANY FAST, a great companion when you are fasting. Devotions for 21 days and three extra preparation days! Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.



Sharing with A Little R & R, Homemaking Party, Messy marriage, Wake Up Wednesday, Wholehearted Wednesday, Women with Intention Wednesdays, Homemaking Linkup,Family Fun Friday  , Friendship Friday, Sunday Stillness