Category Archives: My 3 Sons

The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t (or, Don’t let my Mom be in charge of the presents…)

“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!”  ~Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas

There was nothing I enjoyed more than Christmas when My Three Sons were younger and all at home. We lived in my dream home, the farmhouse where The Sweetheart grew up, seven acres with a stocked pond full of catfish, partially wooded, high on a hill. It had the scariest concrete driveway for riding a bicycle that a boy could ever want and a great slope for sledding; just ask the neighbor boys who were always sneaking down it when we weren’t looking.

Christmas was special.


We had two Christmas trees, sometimes three. One in the family room, all dark and cozy with redwood paneling; that was the one room they wouldn’t let me touch when we remodeled. But that was okay, it was so homey and held so many memories for the family that we loved it. That tree was the one the boys decorated with the ornaments they had made, all of our family treasures. Oh, and colored lights, they insisted on colored lights on “their tree”.

Then the fancy one in the “pretty room” as they called it. That was my tree, they let me decorate it however I wanted and we would go from room to room opening presents. I cherish those days.

Now remember, if you have followed me for very long, I have mischievous boys. They were each about five and one half years apart. Kyle is the oldest, then Kristopher and then Korey is “the baby”, he is 29 today, happy birthday, Korey!

Boys will be boys and they would never leave their presents alone! I grew weary of them trying to figure out what was inside year after year and they always ruined the surprise.

So one year I outsmarted them all. I had it all figured out. I came up with a brainstorm and I was so proud of myself. I didn’t tell anyone, not even The Sweetheart. On Christmas morning I would show them!

I began wrapping presents as usual, several weeks in advance, and they would come home from school and always check to see if there were any under the tree. Sure enough, the first day they discovered their good fortune.

They ran and looked for their name. But wait! What to my wondering eyes should appear?! “This is not my name!” They all begin to holler. All of the presents had names like Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen! And do you recall? We can’t leave out the most famous reindeer of all…because we had to have three groups of three! Rudolph was included as well!

The only names on the presents were reindeer names.

The boys were NOT happy, they were not happy at all! They did not like it, not one little bit. How could they figure out what was inside if they didn’t know which one was theirs?

They had been tricked. Duped. By their own mother. What a Christmas this was going to be!


(Probably in big time trouble with this picture! Yikes! Check out The Sweetheart’s glasses! And my 90’s poofy curls! Gotta love church pictures…)

But thankfully they quickly forgave me and actually thought it was kind of funny as the season went on. They started telling their friends about it and everyone chimed in saying how much fun it was going to be on Christmas morning.

We always get up early on Christmas. It is a written rule if you have children under the age of 30 that you must get up at the crack of dawn on Christmas Day to open your presents. In your pajamas. Before you brush your teeth….well the kids think that anyway. Ugh. You get the picture, they are anxious.

We gather in “the pretty room” and they are waiting for me to give them the go-ahead to start passing out the presents. I run back upstairs to get my list. You know, the one that tells me who each reindeer represents? Yes, I DID make one, I am not that incompetent, people.

It went something like this:

Kyle: Donner, Dasher, Vixen

Kristopher: Rudolph, Comet, Prancer

Korey: Cupid, Dancer, Blitzen…

Or was it Kyle was Donner, Comet and Dancer and Kristopher was Cupid, Blitzen and Dasher?

Or…where is that list?

We have a problem…I could not find the list. I didn’t find the list. I never found the list.

The Christmas That Almost Wasn't...hopeinthehealing

I was no longer the Christmas Queen. I was the Christmas Dope.

What was a brilliant idea, and still is if you want to try it, turned into a free-for-all as My Three Sons, morphed into My Three Monsters and started ripping into presents like there was no tomorrow.

All the while The Sweetheart sat in the easy chair with the biggest grin on his face, as if to say, “If I had thought of this…”

Well you didn’t you big oaf…

It was a great idea.

Saving it for the grandkids.


In Everything…Give Thanks!

I hope you enjoy my new “facelift”! You can teach an old dog new tricks! Sharing from our survey a few weeks back and would love for YOU to share your desires for the New Year in the comments too! Blessed Thanksgiving friends…

“Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
Psalm 106:1

Thankful for those who took the time yesterday to leave their testimonies of praise! 2013 may not have been our best year ever but we are still a blessed people. We have much to be thankful for. If we have a roof over our head, food on our table and clothes on our back (yes I know it is cliché; but it’s true) we are blessed!

Kicking off today’s testimonies with some senseless Thanksgiving facts! Most of them you are aware of but it’s fun to reminisce. Maybe one or two will surprise you.

Apart from turkey and stuffing, football and parades are the biggest Thanksgiving traditions.

The first Thanksgiving Day football championship was played between the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears in 1934…26,000 seats sold and broadcast nationally, by NBC…on the RADIO! But the American Intercollegiate Football Association held its first championship game way back in 1876 on Thanksgiving Day! Then the sport kind of resembled something between rugby and what we think of as football today. Who knew?

A ripe cranberry will bounce.

All turkeys & chickens have wishbones. (duh!)

Did you know one year in the United States we actually had TWO Thanksgivings? On Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt carved the turkey at the annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Warm Springs Georgia. But many Americans were not celebrating with him. They were having their Thanksgiving the following day, which was actually the designated Thanksgiving holiday. You can read this story, which was all about retailers and Christmas shopping, here.

So blessed to share some of YOUR hopes and dreams for the upcoming year from my survey several weeks ago.

What do you want to accomplish in your spiritual walk in 2014?

To continue to grow in the image of Christ. “…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.” 1 Peter 2:2 NKJV.

For my spiritual walk this year I am looking forward to my relationship with God being deeper and stronger than ever before. I also am praying that I will have the courage to use the gifts that He has given me in a new way. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10 NKJV.

I would love to be less concerned about what people think of me and CONSUMED with Christ and staying focused on Him no matter what’s going on around me! “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4 NKJV.

I want to grow more in His word. I want to memorize, utilize and understand the scriptures so that I can help build His kingdom to the best of my ability. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

Continue growing in my walk; continue encouraging the children to grow closer as well. More daily Bible studies with the children, plus we are learning Hebrew this school year! You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 11:19 ESV.

In Everything...Give Thanks hopeinthehealing

This is from Joseph in Kenya: In 2014, we’re trusting God to be a busy year for us. We know He wants us to expand and be in the region He desires for us to reach here in our country and possibly even beyond. It is our prayer that He’ll give us the energy, strength and all the needs He requires of us to put this mission on its feet. Also, that He would send more teachers of the Gospel of Grace to His people that His work may smoothly progress under His guidance. Of course, all the other programs He has for us to be manifested to the glory of His name! “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9.

Read the Bible through in a year, and have a more consistent intimate time with the Lord each day. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 ESV.

I want to see my daughter and her husband in the church so they will take my grand baby faithfully in 2014. “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. NKJV.

I would like to find contentment in 2014, both in where I’m living and what I’m doing. I would also love the Lord to grace me with contentment as I grow older. 2014 will commemorate my 60th – yikes! But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” 1 Timothy 6:6,7,8.

I hope that I will be bolder in 2014 to share His truth in whatever way He leads. “Because of Christ and our faith in him,we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” Ephesians 3:12 NLT.

Better time management so I always have my morning quiet time.  So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.Ephesians 5:15,16 NLT.

I want to be stronger in my faith.  I want to not be afraid of accepting and embracing the blessings that are being given to me. The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.” Psalm 28:7.

Do you see what I see?


Desire for growth.

Hope for tomorrow.

Reading the Word.

Contentment, boldness, faith, strength, prayers for loved ones, time management in order to draw closer to the One who makes it all possible!

No complaints! No grumbles! No judgment for others!

He is worthy of our praise and our Thanksgiving!

Most everyone is spending their day tomorrow with their loved ones in one way or another. Some with small gatherings, some with larger ones. Some are cooking their very first Thanksgiving meal, good luck with that. You know who you are!

Elisabeth is a nurse and most always has to work on Thanksgiving. Thank you for your sacrifice Elisabeth! When she does get to sit down with her family for their Thanksgiving meal, they open a jar that they have been contributing to the entire month of November, full of notes of thankfulness. They pass them around and read them out loud. Love this! We do something similar for Christmas before opening gifts but this is awesome Elisabeth!

Amy gets the award for Queen for a Day on Thanksgiving. She only has to bring the cups, forks, plates & napkins. How wrong is that?! (Love ya, Amy!)

Joan and Sue get the most envied award for the holiday. Joan is blessed to get to spend it with her son in a little house on the Columbia River Gorge on the Washington side! Doesn’t that sound beautiful! I have never been there but I am sure the views are amazing! Enjoy your family Joan!

My friend Sue took off into the wild blue yonder yesterday heading for Hawaii to celebrate Thanksgiving with her in-laws! Her MIL blessed them all with a wonderful trip to the island for this family holiday. Can we all be a little jealous? Soak a little sun for us Sue!

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving friends. I will have a super short post tomorrow but know most of you will be too busy to stop by! I will be too! I have two turkeys and a ham I am responsible for plus the stuffing for 24 people, two pumpkin pies, coconut cream pie, seven layer salad, and My Three Sons’ requested Corn Cake. The rest of the family has much more to add to it! Thankfully I have four “chefs” who are better cooks than I am who will be here tonight to help. Love my kids.

One reader summed it up for all of us: “Traditional Thanksgiving is very low key in my family.  Just time spent together. Nothing big, no big feast or anything like that.  This year though, I have so much to be thankful for and have been celebrating my “Thanksgiving” every day.”


Now how are you celebrating tomorrow? And what are your desires for 2014? Share with us!

Enjoy your families!

Kingdom2 Sharing with Homemaking Party, Women Living Well

The Giving Tree…let me explain…

533154_4349626229542_1126747465_nMy son, Kris, is back! I didn’t intend for him to return so quickly but it is of necessity that he is here as you will soon learn. I so wanted to re-blog his post today so he would get all of the traffic but it would not work for me again! I am not sure what I am doing wrong so please, please, PLEASE take the time to visit his blog, he is an amazingly funny, witty, compassionate and intelligent writer. You will be glad you stopped by! I am going to let you read this post first…then I will answer your questions at the end. Please stay tuned!



The following blog contains many personal analogies and completely reflects the writer’s inner feelings. If you are intent on reading this in its entirety then you must be prepared to not only be moved emotionally but also to share it among your friends and family.

The Giving Tree is one of the most well-known children’s books, ranking #14 in the “All-Time Best-selling Children’s Books” from Publishers Weekly. While I can’t necessarily remember the first time I read this book, or the first time it was read to me, I do know that I had a copy of it. It’s been roughly 17 years since I have seen that book, let alone re-read it. However, I can assure you that I completely remember the plot and the message of the story.

For those of you who are uneducated, get the book. I cannot provide a summary that does this book justice. (I have included a link that will take you to a free on-line version). With the desire to truly get my point across, I will do my best to capture the message in a summarized synopsis…

A little boy finds a tree and plays on this tree until he gets older. As the boy transforms into a man, the tree becomes sad because it is lonely. The teenager tells the tree that he needs money, so the tree gives him all of its apples in order for him to sell them. And the tree is happy.

Later he comes back, this time a man, and he needs wood to heat his home. The tree then allows the man to cut down all of his branches. And the tree is happy. The man returns again, this time older and wants to build a boat, so the tree allows the man to cut the trunk, just leaving a stump. And the tree is happy. At the end, the elderly man returns, this time needing a place to rest, as he is old and tired. The tree has nothing left to give but just its stump. So the man sits. And the tree is happy.

You’d have to be crazy not to see the common theme. Shoot, even Helen Keller would see this a thousand miles away. The tree was sad when it wasn’t adding something back to someone else’s life. The tree was happy through its giving. Crazy logic, eh? In a society that is often plagued with “me, me, me”, there are those around us who are always looking for opportunities to give something back. People often look to individuals such as Bill Gates, Mother Teresa, Bono and Princess Diana, just to name a few.

But there are those around us, many that we know personally, who often go unnoticed and unrecognized. These individuals pour much of their lives into our own, crafting us into the adults that we are today. Without their influence, who knows where we might have ended up?! Countless hours of investing, while never expecting anything in return. Whether it was to offer an encouraging word, a smile, a simple prayer, friendship, or even some cash to help us get through a difficult financial time.

I have one in particular. I cannot express the amount of influence that these two individuals have had in my life but today I focus on only one. My Mother. My Giving Tree. I grew up in a fantastic home, not a care in the world. I had an incredibly family, two brothers that were an absolute pain, friends and over a thousand different sets of parents to help keep me in line (let me note that there were probably additional parents that could have been used).

Honestly, I don’t know what it is like to be a “normal” family. My childhood was spent either at church or with families from our church about 5+ nights a week. It was incredible. My parents were over the high school ministries throughout the majority of my childhood and I always had about 20 different brothers and sisters. Activities centered around the church congregation or local community were always present, whether raising money for the USA-based missions or foreign, or to help out a family in need. I learned at a young age that this life is not really mine to give… it’s already been spoken for.

Growing up, I often took for granted how many times people would walk up and tell me “how lucky I was to have such great parents like that”. I often didn’t realize that fact until I got much older and discovered how special they really were. Time and time again I watched both my mother and father make sacrifices to help someone a little less fortunate than themselves. Often I was skeptical, but time and time again I was able to see the blessings that their actions reaped.

This blog has an ulterior motive. Earlier I compared The Giving Tree to my mother, giving and giving until it was almost impossible to give any longer. At this moment, giving is somewhat hard to come by. My mother’s sacroiliac joint (sort of where your hip bones meet) is disintegrating. For almost two years I have watched her walk gingerly, rely on a cane, injections, pain medication, and even a walker…

However, even with the debilitating disease, she has found a way to give. She recently created a blog entitled Hope In The Healing, which is really quite good, and this is coming from one of her more harsher critics. In this blog page she often writes words of encouragement to those going through difficult situations, specifically those dealing with chronic pain in addition to writings about her husband, their passion for church-focused ministry and the adventures of her three boys (mainly me).

Many of us, myself included, wouldn’t be giving anything to anyone if we found it difficult to climb a set of stairs or even walk to the bathroom. Shoot, I’d probably be one of the most miserable human beings on the planet and my sole focus would be to make everyone else just as miserable as I was. BUT, that is not my mom. She found a way to continue to give in a way that her body would allow her.

She found a way to give back. Now it is our turn. What good is a fantastic blog without a call to action? A few weeks ago, one of Nannette’s readers (some know her by the name Candace Jo) felt impressed to open a FundRazr to help pay for her surgery to repair both of her sacroiliac joints. This procedure would literally be impossible to obtain without your giving.

All I ask is this. Follow this link “What You Can Do With $2” and just watch the video. If you feel impressed to donate just $2, I would greatly appreciate it. If you want, share the link with your friends through Facebook, Twitter or other social media outlets. Just like The Giving Tree, it is time for us to give back. Our giving will enable her to get back to doing what she loves most…Giving.

 The following is my explanation of the details surrounding the disease, fundraiser and who is Carol Brown?

I did not know Kristopher was going to write this post until I saw it on Facebook. But after thinking about it last night I thought maybe I should come forward and explain a little about the fundraiser and the issues I struggle with. I have degenerative SI joint disease. My sacroiliac joints, both sides, are deteriorating and the pain is excruciating, to say the least. I have bone rubbing bone. It has gotten so bad it is one of the reasons we came home from Latvia, seeking surgery a year ago April. I actually need two surgeries, each side at separate times, six months apart. Unfortunately, our insurance will not pay for it, citing pre-existing conditions. They have told us Obamacare is not going to make any difference for me either. We have independent insurance as we are ministers, self employed.

Now for the explanations…my lovely friend Carol Brown, of Scripturesquegraphics, approached me a couple of months ago with the burden to do something so amazingly wonderful for me I was blown away. We have never met face to face! She lives several hundred miles away and does all of my images and graphics for my blog…for free…did I say she is amazing? Anyway, she said the Lord had impressed her to do this fundraiser for me to help raise money for my surgery. Oh I was so torn!! Yet I was so moved that anyone would care that much for me!!

I prayed and prayed about it and cried and prayed some more, I felt like I had pride in my heart concerning the whole thing. It’s not easy to be on the “needy side”. It’s a whole lot easier to be the Giver than the Receiver! When it comes your turn to have to receive, it’s a whole different ballgame, friend. So one morning it was as if the Lord had spoken to me, if it had been audible it wouldn’t have been any more clear…and He said, “This isn’t about YOU, this is about ME, let it go…” and so, slowly…I did.

Carol called and said her adorable video was finished, didn’t she make me cute, and thankfully, skinny?! I cried and cried when I saw it and I knew then that God was going to do something…that was NOT about ME. I didn’t know what! But He was in it because He had spoken to someone I hadn’t even MET in person to love me enough to do something of this magnitude, there must be something more to it than money. God is like that, you know!

So several have emailed me asking where the money is going, it goes directly in a Paypal account in mine and my husband’s names. Many of the FAQ’s are answered right on the video…Carol thought of everything! If we do not raise enough money for the surgery the money goes towards injections. They aren’t “shots”, these babies are serious image-guided injections and cost thousands of dollars, my insurance does not pay for these either.

You know sometimes, we have to get out of God’s way so He can work. I do not understand all of this. I am not asking anyone to give. I am very uncomfortable with it. I know some do not agree with this, please, if you think this is silly, weird, out-of-order, embarrassing, or whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable with it, please do not worry about giving! I don’t want ANYONE to feel OBLIGATED to give. That would make me so sad, and that money would be forced money that wasn’t given in love. There is no pressure here.

And the goal truly is for no one to give alot, but for many to give a little. I hope this helps answer questions. I am humbled by the generosity of so many. I no longer am embarrassed, I am grateful. We just want to be able to continue to minister and share Revival By Design either here in the States or overseas, wherever God says, “Go!” I would like to not have to do it from a wheelchair if possible and the Lord sees fit to answer that prayer. If not, He knows best! 

The Apostle Paul said, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-12 NIV

Thank you to all who have given thus far. May God richly bless you. I appreciate it more than you know!

And may all of you be blessed for enduring this extremely long and “wordy” post!

Nannette, a.k.a. Candace Jo

Sharing with Walking Redeemed, homemaking party, Hearts at Home, Time Travel Thursday, Proverbs 31 Thursday, Thriving Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Grace at Home,Thrive at Home Thursday

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