Category Archives: My 3 Sons

Batman…Leaving the Batcave one last time

Batman…Leaving the Batcave one last time

“Robin: Where’d you get a live fish, Batman?”

Batman: “The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin.”

Batman...Leaving the Batcave one last timeThe Batman character has certainly changed over the years. The series, and characters, that are on our minds this weekend, with the sad passing of Adam West, ran only three seasons beginning January 12, 1966, to March 14, 1968. Needless to say, my first remembrances of this classic were as a very young child myself. I can remember my two brothers running through the house shouting, “POW!” “Wham!” “ZOK!” (Yes, that was one, too!) “Splat!” and on and on they would go chasing each other through our small home. I was rather annoyed by the whole thing, and didn’t take much interest in the show unless Batgirl was on.

Her name also just happened to be Yvonne Craig, my first name as well, so, of course we had everything in common. (insert sarcasm here) If she was in an episode, I might sit down and watch it or sneak through the kitchen to get glimpses, not actually admitting I was interested in a boys crime-fighting show, naturally.

Fast forward a few years and I had a little blonde-haired, blue eyed boy of my own. He was fascinated with superheroes at a very young age. Super Friends was all the rage, bringing back old, beloved comic characters, all in one place. And, as luck would have it, Batman and Robin reruns were everywhere.

Even better? There were GUYS.

This iconic word served as a generic title for every super hero from Superman to GI Joe; our house was full of guys. You stepped on them, found them in precarious poses in your Lazy Susan, scooped them out of the bathtub, found them perched on window sills, where they had just scaled the wall to get in and save the world. Seriously, they took over my house. And this was still with just ONE little boy. The other two little tow-heads had not arrived yet!

Needless to say, whether by my own encouragement or not, we were Batman and Robin fans again. I have played the role of Lex Luthor, Robin, AquaMan, Wonder Woman, The Joker, and even Superman. But I do not recall EVER getting to be Batman. Only Kyle’s best friend and first cousin, Jeremy, was allowed to be Batman. And the only reason Kyle would succumb to that was because Jeremy had the costume.

Check out the backside picture. It’s just too much! The little guy, Michael was our good friend and neighbor who was also spending the night. He didn’t get the memo about the official pajamas but any good Mom can improvise and instantly add another super hero!

Robin: “You can’t get away from Batman that easy!”

Batman: “Easily.”

Robin: “Easily.”

Batman: “Good grammar is essential, Robin.”

Robin: “Thank you.”

Batman: “You’re welcome.”

Living in Indianapolis in 1986, the Dynamic Duo were appearing at a Comic Book Collector’s Convention. They had the Batmobile on display and the famous actors would be signing autographs.

We were in!

For two little five and six year old boys, meeting a real-live superhero was over-the-top in every way. We stood dutifully in line and Kyle and Jeremy were a tad bit nervous about shaking the hand of the two heroes who could put the Penguin on ice!

The closer they got, Jeremy became a little intimidated and wasn’t so keen on getting too close but he persevered. Meeting them in real life was kind of creepy and you had the foreboding that the Riddler would come leaping in with his hideous laugh and have us all tied up in question marks.

Jeremy getting his autograph!

Speeding forward in our Time Machine once more, Kyle called me yesterday morning. He is normally a texter so I figured something was up, hoping he needed a babysitter or wanted to chat about the awesome Worship Night on the Square that had just wrapped up a few hours before.

No. The conversation went something like this:



“Batman died.”

It was the end of an era, and hearing about the death of a super hero who was such a big part of your growing up years brings back so many memories, hopefully all good.

We reminisced a few minutes about characters and a few funny things but I hung up grateful that we had that in common. That he remembered if anyone would care that a piece of his childhood was no longer with us…it would be Mom.

It wasn’t long before I received a text from my youngest with a meme of the death of Adam West. Before the end of the day, they had all joined in the conversation and probably wondering where their Batman and Robin figures were stashed. (Don’t tell them, but I could put my hands on a few in just a couple of minutes).

Now, My Three Sons do not live in the past, they just have great childhood memories (most of them were great) and they love nostalgia. They might not look anything like their mother but they acquired my love for all-things-childhood.

And, true to their nature, Kyle and Jeremy are continuing their love for the Caped Crusader with their wee ones, Mister Miller and Norah Jayne. Miller’s nursery is all super heroes, and adorable! He started out early with Batman attire:

And then there is Batgirl, Norah Jayne gets in on the action at an early age too!

Do we have a take-away from the death of an actor, a character that brought a lot of happiness to many children (and adults) in his cape and ballerina tights? I think so.

Everyone is looking for a super hero. We all want to think there is some super power out there that can come and save the day, get us out of our messes and deliver us from our mistakes. Whether he comes in a Batmobile, or flying through the air faster than a speeding bullet, we want someone to step on the scene and bring instant calm to our chaos.

Unfortunately, Batman isn’t real, nor Superman, Spiderman or any of our comic book character icons. They make for great entertainment but that is where it ends.

But since this is a Christian blog, let me end this with some hope.

We DO have a super hero, friends. There is only One that can really walk through a wall and only One who can walk on water, or give the command for another to do so! 

This Super Hero of our every day, every moment existence, LIVES to bring deliverance to our universe. He literally gave His own life, willingly, that we could also live an overcoming life and have eternal hope that we will live forever in a glorious place with the Savior of the World.

He will come running to you in an instant when you speak His name.

He will go to the depths to lift you up and carry you higher.

He can heal all of your diseases or give you strength to go through any trial.

He will give you wisdom for every situation and words to go in your mouth in a moments notice.

He will surround you with His presence, bringing instant peace to your circumstance.

There is absolutely nothing that He cannot do, or will do, for you, His child. 

He put that cape on a long, long time ago. And He is patiently waiting for the day that YOU join Him and bring completion to His perfect work.

Remember today, Batman couldn’t save the world, and he can’t come back once death has claimed him. But Jesus did both and left us with the hope that we can overcome as He did, if we know Him.

As we see the world around us crumbling, we remember His Word to lift up our eyes! Look up!

Our redemption is drawing near.

For the kingdom

One last tribute to Adam West. Same bat time, same bat channel!




While it was still dark…

While it was still dark… Mornings. You either love them or hate them. I am a lover of mornings and I will now gladly list some of the awesome things I enjoy about being up early in the morning. (For clarification, getting up sometime before noon is not early morning, ahem. Just sayin’.) I’m talking EARLY, anywhere from 4 to 6 a.m.

  • Coffee. No need to add anything here. Enough said.
  • The quiet. There is no one to bother you, no as-soon-as-I-rise-my-mouth-goes-96-miles-per-hour-with-incessant-questions in your ear. Just you and the quiet. And Jesus.
  • Sunrise. This has to be one of the most amazing pictures God paints for us every single morning. Naturally, sunSET is just as spectacular but with the sunrise it seems it is just you and God, enjoying it together.
  • Morning prayer. Early morning prayer. I am not one that thinks you can only pray early in the morning. Sometimes I might as well have waited until the afternoon because my eyelids won’t stay open and I am so sleepy it is anybody’s guess what I actually said to the Savior. Thankfully, He understands. But when I push through, there is nothing like starting your day with the Lord of the universe! It makes all the difference in the world. Before social media, before email, before television, the newspaper or even others if it is possible, give me Jesus.
  • Walking. This used to be my absolute favorite activity before the sun would rise. I would slip on those walking shoes and be out that door while the family was still relishing the last few minutes before the alarm would go off. Meeting my SIL at the end of the driveway, we would start our 3 mile trek, waking up the body as we went.  I miss it terribly.

I can seriously go on and on about the benefits of being up in the early morning hours but you get the picture. I am afraid if I don’t get up early I will miss something!

Mary Magdelene thought that too. Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. John  20:1 NKJV.

The Bible says she got there while it was still dark. Mary was an early morning person too and today was no exception. She was rewarded with being one of the very first to witness the empty tomb! She ran to tell Peter and the others and the Lord even appeared to her to confirm His resurrection.

Can you imagine being in Mary’s shoes? Seeing the empty tomb, the angel and knowing that your wildest dreams had actually come true? The Savior, the Messiah, did exactly what He said He would do and you were among the first to witness it?

As exciting as that was, it didn’t end there. Jesus still makes Himself available to US every single day, every single moment. He died on that cross for each of us and He rose again that third day so that we could also overcome death, hell and the grave.

The book of Lamentations tells us that the Lord’s mercies are new EVERY MORNING. We have another chance, all things are new! That blesses me every time to think I have a clean slate and when that sun begins to rise I can make it great (as my brother always says) or I can waste it.

Let us resolve, in these last days, to be like Mary Magdalene, not necessarily that we have to be up before dawn but that we be expectant, eager, anticipating what God has for us and for those around us. If we have spent time at His feet we will be able to hear His voice, as Mary did, and have a purpose to GO and tell others that He is alive!

Have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday with your family and friends. May you worship our Risen Savior with reckless abandon and humble adoration. He is coming again; don’t miss it!

For the kingdom

Loving so much it hurts

Loving so much it hurtsWe have another year behind us with opportunity and anticipation ahead. One thing we cannot say is that 2016 was boring. I won’t bore you with a repeat of all the highlights from the past year, you will see enough of that on social media.

I have reflected on the year personally, as I am sure you have. This 55th year of my birth brought many, many changes for me and The Sweetheart.

  • Norah Jayne. The miracle we have waited more than ten years for finally arrived 4/2/16. She literally lights up our lives. Those eyes and that smile melt me and if I could give her the world I would.
  • We moved. Well, of course we moved! Six hours south to be near Norah Jayne. A new city, a new church, some old and some new friends, all because of a miracle.
  • I went to work full time. For those that know me at all, I was blessed when My Three Sons were all home to be there for them. Then, with pastoring and traveling, etc., I was busy with curriculum editing for Revival By Design the last five years. Now, I want to be available for Norah, but still have some money to spend on headbands and bows, so I now work at night, from home, for Amazon customer service, in my pajamas if I want!

Norah has brought so many changes to my world, the list could easily be longer. I miss my family back in Indiana terribly but when I walk in the door and that little face brightens up when she sees me and those arms reach out for her Nana…well…I have to admit I am in heaven on earth.

Love so much it hurts at times. I want her to be able to climb up in my lap and know that all is well. I want her to know she is loved and that in the arms of her family she is safe and cared for. (Don’t worry, she is!) But I think about her when I am not with her, I miss her if it’s more than a day or two, and naturally, I don’t want her to forget me.

I have been with The Sweetheart for 40 years, married for 37. It seems as if we have always been a couple, an item, a duo. I can’t imagine my life without him and if I allow my head to go there, to try to imagine losing him, my heart feels as if it would break in two. Many of you reading this, that have experienced that loss, can relate to that. You love so much it hurts!

In 2012, Marjorie and James Landis of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, died just 88 minutes apart. They had been married 65 years. One couldn’t imagine surviving and going on without the other.

A few years ago a group of doctors at Johns Hopkins University reported a rare but lethal heart condition caused by acute emotional distress. The technical name is stress cardiomyopathy; we call it broken heart syndrome. A current example of this would be the actresses Debbie Reynolds and her daughter, Carrie Fisher. Literally heartbroken over the death of her daughter, Debbie Reynolds suffered a stroke and died one day after her beloved daughter. She is reported to have said that she just wanted to be with Carrie.

I was thinking of all of that in prayer time today. I reflected on the past year and the many blessings of the Lord: the good, the bad, the ugly and the wonderful. I was thankful for it all because God was with me, He was faithful.

And for His love, the love He had for us. He loved so much it hurt too. He came as an infant, knowing He would be wounded, physically, verbally, etc., but He still came. He also knew He would give so much that it hurt; physical torture and rejection from His own people. But that love trumped pain, it triumphed over rejection and even abandonment. He paid the ultimate price all because He loved us so much.

He would do it all again you know; just as you would stand in the gap for your children and grandchildren. You would take the punishment for them, you would likely give your life for them because you love so much.

As we enter a new year, uncertainties abound: Political unrest, terrorism that grows increasingly close to our door and endtime prophecy being fulfilled all around us. The one thing that is definite is that we are loved, we are cared for and we are safe in the arms of our Father. We can climb up in His lap, so to speak, and be assured that whatever comes our way, whatever 2017 holds for us as God’s children, He will be faithful to His Word. Persecution may come, difficulties may be present but He will walk with us through any fire or trial. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

That’s a Father’s love for His children. Unconditional, unwavering, a really good hurt.



The Daniel Fast DevotionalIt’s that time of year again…a time of reflection, renewal and denial. Many churches begin corporate fasts at the beginning of the New Year and individuals choose a fast of some kind as well. Pick up a copy of The Daniel Fast, a Devotional! Available in Kindle and paperback, it’s an easy read, full of 21 days of devotions for ANY FAST. There are also daily recipes for the Daniel Fast or a no meats, no sweets fast if you choose that route. Whatever you do, fast unto the Lord! Click on the book or this link to order from!