Category Archives: My 3 Sons

Cavities, Extractions & Mistakes

Cavities, extractions & mistakes: Reflections of a five-year-old

“Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called dentists.” ― Ann Landers

The year was 1966. I was a tiny five-year-old. I wasn’t in kindergarten since it had not been instituted in our local school yet. If that doesn’t make you feel old, what wouldn’t? As My Three Sons used to say, “Kindergarten hadn’t been invented yet? WOW!!”

I had a toothache. At five years old, it was my first of many more to come, even though I was completely unaware of that fact. Maybe I should say I was thankfully unaware. So, like any good parents, mine took me to the dentist to see about this little bitty piece of dentin and enamel that was causing me so much discomfort.

Surely this dentist, who had a valid license, just made a simple mistake. They happen. But to go from the dentist office, back home, and then end up in the emergency room was a huge mistake to us.

As soon as we arrived at the ER my pediatrician was called, who happened to already be at the hospital. He took one look at me and reacted quickly. I had been bleeding profusely ever since we left the dentist early that afternoon and my parents couldn’t get it to stop. Thankfully, they panicked and took me to the hospital, where my doctor announced that I would have bled to death had they not come. Good to know.

The dentist had pulled the wrong tooth.

Cavities, Extractions & Mistakes

My pediatrician picked up the phone and gave him a piece of his mind! I actually do remember this day, even though it seems impossible to remember something that happened to you at the age of five. I vividly remember the dentist visit, the pain, the bleeding and even the ER trauma. I can still see my doctor standing over me, furious that this had happened to such a sweet, tiny, little girl.

That was just the beginning of my dental woes. I don’t remember visiting the dentist much growing up; thankfully I didn’t have many problems. Once I was married, I was introduced to my husband’s family dentist, Doc Boruff as he was lovingly referred to. He was a good friend to the family and my sister-in-law’s mother also worked for him. There was no thinking about it or looking through the phone book, Doc was now my dentist too.

A couple of years into our marriage I totaled The Sweetheart’s little truck and smashed my face pretty good. (You can read that story here!) My front tooth was broken and Doc met me at the office after hours to relieve my pain and make a plan of action to crown the tooth. He was my hero.

Fast forward about four years when my wisdom teeth were giving me fits. Doc told me they needed to come out but only two were pushing through; the others were impacted. He recommended an oral surgeon.

I refused.

No one was touching my teeth except Doc. That scare at the age of five had followed me and I was not a trusting soul. I wanted Doc Boruff to extract my wisdom teeth and I wouldn’t budge.

Doc was also a farmer, a hard-working man who towered over most. I was always amazed that he was a dentist because he had the biggest hands I had ever seen and I had the smallest mouth opening he had ever seen. Removing my wisdom teeth that day, the sweat dripped from Doc’s face and ran down mine. I should never have put him through that. Hindsight, as they say, is better than foresight. I should have gone to an oral surgeon and taken the drugs instead of staring wide-eyed at Doc for hours that day. (I no longer sit in a dentist’s chair with my eyes open, I am sure they appreciate that!)

Naturally, he did a great job and I WALKED four blocks to my grandmother’s house that day and then hosted a bridal shower for my sister that night! (Yes, it did all hit me about halfway into the shower and I thought I would surely pass out into the peach punch from the pain.)

Doc Boruff passed away many years ago and I would not be the only one to say he was the best dentist around. Professionalism and perfectionism were his trademarks but his personality kept you coming back. You just trusted Doc to take care of whatever was causing your pain.

In my 54 years of living, I have spent countless DAYS in a dentist’s chair. I surely could have bought a luxury car with what I have spent, maybe even a house! I have had several dentists down through the years since I have lived in three states and several different cities. I have even been to the dentist in the country of Estonia a couple of summers ago. That was an interesting experience!

When we came back from Latvia in 2012, I was thankfully introduced to my current dentist, Dr. Arnold. After my second visit, I told The Sweetheart that I thought I had found the 21st century Doc Boruff. Kind, personable and the best at making you comfortable, I have never even thought of going anywhere else. Like Doc Boruff, he doesn’t do anything that doesn’t need to be done, which means so much when you are paying out of pocket.

If you have read this far, you are surely wondering why a faith-based blog is sharing dental experiences! It is because the last few days I have been suffering with my second dry socket.

If you have never experienced this phenomena, believe me, you do not ever want to obtain membership to that club. I had a tooth extracted, but the blood clot, that normally forms to heal, came loose somehow, leaving the bone open and exposed. Saturday morning, my wonderful dentist met me at the office even though they were closed. I had tried clove oil (which truly does help numb the area!) and ibuprofen for the pain, but trust me, it was unbearable. It doesn’t just throb where the tooth was removed, it takes over that entire side of the face, up and down the jaw and into your ear and at one point, I felt it in my eye; truly one of the most uncomfortable experiences ever.

It is healing, albeit slowly, and I am thankful for people who care that you are in pain and for a God who listens in the middle of the night when you think you just can’t stand it any longer…He brings sweet relief and rest even to phantom toothache pain.

Do you have a dental horror story to share? We would love to hear it! (Please do not mention any names if it is not flattering.) Feel free to share the good, the bad and the ugly here today. One of these days I will share the story of me being DROPPED during surgery. If it had to happen, it had to be me!

Be blessed as you start another week and whatever you are facing, know our great God is with you. Always.

For the kingdom

Sharing with Soul Survival, Modest Monday, Good morning Mondays

Go for the Rescue!

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“And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” Jude 1:23

Once upon a time, not too long ago, I was riding in our car with The Sweetheart and one of My Three Sons. As we passed a certain house, I suddenly called out for my husband to turn the car around and go back. Since I had frightened him so badly, he slammed on his brakes and pulled into an adjacent driveway. I said I was sure that I had seen smoke coming from the red brick with the white shutters; there was a fire!

It was a little late at night, the house was dark and we were sure the occupants were asleep. But as we got closer, even my son and The Sweetheart both saw something resembling smoke coming from the house. I was ready to call 911 and run in a panic to the front door to awaken this family inside.

But then The Sweetheart took a second look. “I don’t think that is smoke.”  I kept pushing because I could see it hovering along the ground around the front bushes and underneath one of the bedroom windows.

Knowing he will never convince me otherwise, and to keep me from calling the fire department until we were sure, The Sweetheart got out of the car and headed toward the house. Just as he got to the front walk he immediately turned around and made a quick dash back to the car. Jumping in the driver’s side door, he let out an exhale and said, “Let’s get out of here. That’s NOT smoke, Nannette, it’s the dryer vent!”


The Sweetheart wasn’t as amused and my son was doubled over in laughter in the back seat. Just as he was recovering from what he had witnessed, he thought about what would have happened if I had called 911…and once again he was overcome with hilarity.

In my defense, at least I didn’t just ignore the misty fog coming out from underneath the window…the laundry room window. At least I was concerned about my fellow neighbor. At least I was GOING to rescue them…if there had been a reason to.

Go for the Rescue! The hilarious story of the time I almost rescued someone from a fire.

Go for the Rescue! The hilarious story of the time I almost rescued someone from a fire.

I thought about this story the other day and wondered if I am that concerned about the people all around me every day. The houses I drive by, those in my own neighborhood, the people I interact with frequently all deserve to hear about Jesus. They deserve to be rescued!

“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?” Luke 15:4 ESV.

What’s it like to be lost? Paul described it in Ephesians 2:12: “You were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”

Having no hope!!

I don’t want to ignore the signs that I see in others. This is a day of desperation. There is no hope in this world, in this life by itself. Our hope is in the salvation of Jesus Christ, what HE has done gives us joy in this life and in eternity. How can we keep it to ourselves?

“Let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” James 5:20 ESV.

Do you know someone today who is hurting, who doesn’t know the Savior? Is there a way you can work Him into your conversation? Can you invite them to church, out for coffee or to go for a walk? Many times if you just give them opportunity to talk you can easily see where their heart is hurting. Maybe they need prayer, don’t just tell them you will pray for them but do it. Right then, right there. Be a rescuer, no matter how silly you might think it seems, in this case, God will meet you there. He will give you the words to say, the prayer to pray and the sensitivity to help a friend in need.

Go for the Rescue!


Sharing with Weekend Whispers, Word of God Speak, Making your home sing, Amaze Me Monday, Modest Monday, Wedded Wednesday, Wholehearted Wednesday, A Little R & R



How to Celebrate a Golden Birthday!

If you are under 31, you have celebrated your Golden Birthday whether you knew it or not. A Golden Birthday is when you turn the same age as your birth DATE; i.e., 17 on the 17th. Mine was a few years ago when I turned 20 on July 20th…okay it was 34 years ago but who is counting?

This week we celebrated big when my middle son, Kristopher, turned 29 on the 29th. I was aware of Golden Birthdays but wasn’t sure how to pull it off. With the help of my youngest son, who was in charge of the meal, we got busy and decorated. In Gold. Lots and lots of Gold.

Celebrating a Golden Birthday

Birthdays are made to be golden! 

This was our main focal point in the dining room. The party was at my son’s apartment so most of our decoration was right here in the center of the action. We also had golden streamers in the entryway of the townhouse, hanging from the open banister and also from the bar.

We went for the huge number balloons (a little expensive but worth it!), making trips to two different Party City stores to get the 2 and 9. When I finally arrived at their apartment, I was so proud to maneuver all of those balloons out of the car and up the stairs. Then I realized, to my horror, that #9 was not with us any longer. I ran outside to see where he had gone. That still makes me laugh, how did I think I would catch him, I couldn’t even see him as he had flown up and over Fishers, Indiana into the wild, blue yonder. Ten big ones down the drain.

We couldn’t have a 29th birthday party without a #9 so my wonderful chef paused what he was doing to run to Party City #3 to get a #9. My hero.

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We had gold plates, gold napkins, gold confetti, (I forgot the cups). Everything was coming together…

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I even bought gold Rolo’s, gold Reese Cups and gold Werther candies! Depending on what your theme is you could also go with Golden Oreos, Goldfish crackers, let your imagination wonder.

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unnamed (2)I thought this was a great idea but didn’t get an after photo. Found this chalkboard on clearance at Target…in gold! Grabbed some chalk and streamers for the cubby decor and presto! As they entered the room there was a place for them to wish Kris a Happy Birthday and leave their card or gift. (not required!)

Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of the lasagna. It was not gold but it was certainly delicious. Korey makes some of the best lasagna I have ever eaten; it was a hit and disappeared quickly.

We saved Mandi’s amazing peanut butter pie until last. Pie for birthdays? Why not? Find out what the favorite dessert is of the birthday boy/girl and go for it. There are no rules! Mandi even had edible gold sprinkles for the pie which was already golden in color.

unnamed (1)And yes, if you are counting, there are only 20 candles on the pie. I was so excited to find gold candles I didn’t even think to see how many were in the pack. I don’t think he even knew it. Until now.

Korey and I spent the afternoon cutting out faces of all ages of Kristopher. I downloaded them, enlarged them all on my computer then went online to Office Depot and ordered just regular 8×10 copies of his face from infant to the present. I had them put on heavier card stock and then cut them out and glued them on over-sized popsicle sticks (Hobby Lobby).

After pie, we all picked a Kristopher that we wanted to be and posed for a group picture.The real Kristopher is in the red plaid shirt kneeling on the floor. Duh. It was great fun!

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Me with the Birthday Guy!

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Don’t forget, after age 31 there are no more Golden Birthdays but every birthday is special when you are surrounded by those that you love the most.

Holy Bathrobe! Happy Birthday Kristopher! (He was pretty excited about his Batman robe, he has great friends. What?! You’re jealous, right?)

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Have you celebrated a Golden Birthday for yourself or someone else? What kind of things did you do or how did you decorate? We would love to hear!


Sharing with Wedded Wednesday, A Little R & R, Wake Up Wednesday, #RaRa Linkup, Home Matters Party