work for answered prayer

Fasting and Working for Answered Prayers

Have you ever been so desperate that you had to fast? You had to go to prayer? Your need was so critical that just saying you were praying about it wasn’t enough. A bedtime lay-me-down-to-sleep prayer wasn’t going to get it. You had to get down to business.

The question for the day is,

work for answered prayer

“Do we have to work for answered prayers? Do we have to fast continually, check off our Daily Bread chart and say so many “Our Father who art in heaven…” prayers?”

The answer is, “No.” We are the ones who need the changing, not God.

Fasting and prayer changes US, strengthens US, molds our character, changes our heart, mind and soul, gives US direction, wisdom, and clears up things that were muddy before!

The Bible tells us that the prophet Daniel fasted on a regular basis. It has even recorded three of those fasts for us to look at and observe. In one of them he goes completely without any food at all. “And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes…” Daniel 9:3 KJV.

In the other two fasts that are recorded in the book of Daniel, he participated in partial fasts where he ate some foods, but refrained from others.

Each time Daniel fasted, we can find one thing he was very consistent with; he never failed to pray!

Look at the verse above again in Daniel 9:3, to seek by prayer and supplications.”  Even when it doesn’t specifically mention prayer, we know Daniel prayed because he was a Hebrew prophet and a man of God. He would not have fasted without prayer! The Jewish people understood that the two went together.

God can speak to us because we have allowed Him to cleanse things from our minds when we fast. We have taken time to be with Him and pushed some things aside; things that we liked, maybe even loved, that were important to us. We laid them down in order to be with Him.

Our motives must be pure when we pray. “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” James 4:3 ESV. We are praying for our needs, not necessarily our wants. Max Lucado said it so well, “You have to wonder if God’s most merciful act is His refusal to answer some of our prayers!”

Our heart must be right! “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me…” Psalm 66:18 KJV.

We must pray in faith, believing and we pray His will in all things.  “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” 1 John 5:14 ESV.  

Then we must pray with perseverance! “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1 NIV.

And we must be thankful. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34 ESV.

When we fast, we show the Lord that we want to draw closer to Him and lay aside things that might hinder us in our walk. We aren’t bargaining with God and we are not begging God. We aren’t jumping through hoops or just checking off boxes. We just realize that if our flesh is submitted to Him, His wants and desires for us become OUR wants and desires. We begin to reflect His glory and not our own!

And even if the situation doesn’t change, WE have been changed, WE have been strengthened for whatever lies ahead.

The Daniel Fast Devotional

In The Daniel Fast Devotional, we talk about a different person in the Bible who sought God by fasting every day of the 21 day fast. Some of them were desperate like Hannah, she just HAD to fast too! Others did it out of selfishness as with Ahab and Jezebel. Each story is true, intriguing, and will teach us the good and the bad motives behind fasting. Also, at the end of each chapter, there are wonderful recipes that are Daniel Fast approved. Get your copy today!

It came upon a midnight clear…The story behind the song!

The Christmas carol, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, is one of the very few that doesn’t actually mention the birth of the Savior. The life of the author will help us see why the message of the angels is more the focus of this beloved carol. 

Edmund Sears, a pastor in Wayland, Massachusetts, wrote the poem in 1849 after suffering a breakdown. Sears was experiencing a time of sadness with the revolution in Europe and the war with Mexico in the U.S., he saw everything around him as full of “sin and strife”.  The hymn below was printed in the Christian Register, a Boston paper published on December 29, 1849. The third stanza, which we rarely see, shows how worried Edmund Sears was about the world situation. 

“But with the woes of sin and strife

The world has suffered long;

Beneath the angel-strain have rolled

Two thousand years of wrong;

And man, at war with man, hears not

The love-song, which they bring:

O hush the noise, ye men of strife,

And hear the angels sing!”

Surely Edmund Sears would be worried about the state of affairs in the world today! This past year of 2022 has brought us so much uncertainty that when November rolled around, (or even before!) many were already decorating their homes for Christmas! People would post on social media pictures of their Christmas trees and lights and say, “Why not!”

We are also facing (about to use my least favorite and overused word of the last couple of years) unprecedented and perilous times. It seems anything goes when it comes to finding a reason to celebrate or bring life to a dark world.

This season of Christmas, full of hope, reminds us all of the Savior that was born so long ago. He didn’t stay in the manger, but gave His very life for YOU and me and one day soon we will reign with Him and the “whole world give back the song which now the angels sing”. 

There was much to be hopeful for then, the angels were bringing a message of good cheer! Be prayerful and ask God to put someone in your path to share this Good News: There is much to be hopeful for NOW…Jesus Christ is about to return for His Bride, the Church. For lo, the days are hastening on!

 It came upon the midnight clear,
    That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
    To touch their harps of gold;
“Peace on the earth, good will to men
    From heaven’s all-gracious King” –
The world in solemn stillness lay
    To hear the angels sing.

2. Still through the cloven skies they come
    With peaceful wings unfurled,
And still their heavenly music floats
    O’er all the weary world;
Above its sad and lowly plains
    They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o’er its Babel-sounds
    The blessed angels sing.

3. But with the woes of sin and strife
    The world has suffered long;
Beneath the angel-strain have rolled
    Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
    The love song which they bring; –
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
    And hear the angels sing!

4. And ye, beneath life’s crushing load,
    Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
    With painful steps and slow,
Look now! for glad and golden hours
    Come swiftly on the wing; –
Oh, rest beside the weary road
    And hear the angels sing!

5. For lo! the days are hastening on
    By prophet bards foretold,
When, with the ever circling years
    Shall come the age of gold;
When Peace shall over all the earth,
    Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world give back the song,
    Which now the angels sing.

May you find peace in Jesus even though the world around us is in crazy chaos. Rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing.

Of all the trees most lovely…the story behind “O Christmas Tree”

Many songs we sing at Christmas time are so common to us that we likely have never paid attention to the lyrics or the meaning. I would never have listed O Christmas Tree as a Christmas carol, the lyrics do not actually refer to Christ, nor do they describe a decorated tree as we know it today. Instead, they refer to the fir’s evergreen quality as a symbol of trustworthiness and dependability.

Families around the world signal the beginning of the Christmas season by “putting up the tree”, while others would never have one in their home because they believe it a form of idol worship. To understand the thoughts of those for and against, let’s go back to the 700’s, to a time when a monk name Boniface wanted to put an end to the myth that oak trees were sacred or even magical. He was determined to help them understand that the CREATOR of trees was to be worshiped, not the actual tree itself.

Boniface’s frustration over their pagan rituals and worship of the oak tree caused him to chop a very large tree down one day and when it fell it destroyed and crushed everything around it….except for a little, tiny fir sapling. Convinced he had witnessed a miracle with the survival of the sapling, Boniface and many others planted fir saplings to celebrate Christmas year after year. 

The story goes that over time people started bringing beautiful greenery into their homes and would tie a small tree upside down, hanging from the rafters.

How did we go from a tiny, upside down fir sapling to a right side up, super-sized and fully loaded Christmas tree?

Enter Martin Luther. History tells us that Luther was out walking through the German forest one evening looking for a little sapling to bring home for Christmas. It was dark before he knew it and he began to pray for direction. Looking up, the stars seemed to shine brightly for him and helped to light his way home! 

Thankful to be safe, and grateful to God for the star that not only helped him find his way in the dark but also led the wise men to Bethlehem, he decided to decorate his tree with lights. His family gathered around to see his little tree was not hanging from the ceiling but was planted in a pot on the table with candles attached to the branches. How much truth there is to the story we do not know but here are two ancient examples of people determined that their tree pointed to the Creator. 

The composer of the German carol, O Tannenbaum (1550) is not known. The version we recognize was written by German organist and teacher Ernst Anschutz (1824) and translated into English soon after. 

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!
Not only green in summer’s heat,
But also winter’s snow and sleet.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
Of all the trees most lovely;
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
Of all the trees most lovely.
Each year you bring to us delight
With brightly shining Christmas light!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
Of all the trees most lovely.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
We learn from all your beauty;
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
We learn from all your beauty.
Your bright green leaves with festive cheer,
Give hope and strength throughout the year.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
We learn from all your beauty.

Christmas tree or no Christmas tree, we can all agree on Who is worthy of our worship and praise! Because He came so long ago and gave Himself a ransom for our sin, we look to Jesus only as Worthy. We do not worship our Christmas trees; we worship the One who created the tree and the One who gave His life upon a tree that we might reign with Him forever. He promises to return, one day soon, for those that are looking for His appearing.