When less is more…. It’s been forever and a day since I have written a #FiveMinuteFriday post! So glad to be back even if for one week. Today’s word prompt is More and I hope it is an encouragement to you to give what you have for you never know who might be needing it. Happy FriYay!
“Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford – she gave her all!” Luke 21:1-4 The Message.
It’s not often that I use The Message version of the Bible as a reference but today’s was too good to pass up. Here Jesus is observing those in the temple give offerings. Many gave but few had it hurt or make a difference in their pocketbooks. Then the poor widow approaches and gives two measly little pennies and I love what Jesus says here. She gave the largest offering! And? The others gave offering they would never even miss. They wouldn’t notice it was gone from their abundance, they had so much and could have given more but were actually holding back from giving til it hurt.
But the poor widow gave her all, she had nothing left and didn’t know where the next meal might come from or when she could give another offering. She just gave because that is what you do when much has been given to you. You give back however you can.
Fulton Sheen said,
If your offering doesn’t hurt, doesn’t cause you to ask yourself if you could have given more, if it isn’t a sacrifice to you then was it really an offering? Why does Jesus want us to give sacrificially anyway?
Because He wants us to trust Him.
When we give out of our heart we are putting it back on Him to supply our need. Whether it is monetarily or not, we are to give to the Church for the furtherance of the Gospel and the necessities of life. We are to give to others, to those less fortunate and the needy and then we are to give of ourselves, to pour Christ into those around us who are desperate for His touch that may come through you!
What do you have to give today? Are you holding back from reaching out to someone at your work or school? Someone you know from the carpool or daycare? You just never know who is struggling and desperate for a gentle touch, an “Is everything okay?” or “How can I pray for you today?” Sometimes that is all it takes to break down the walls that a hurting soul has put up. They just want to know that someone cares and may have prayed a prayer that very morning for God to send someone their direction.
Will it be you? Will you find out today that less is really more when Jesus is behind it all. Let Him guide you today to be that encouragement to someone that is hurting and looking for Him. Your offering might not be two pennies, it might be two listening ears or two helping hands. Let Him work through you today!