Drink your water. The Daniel Fast

Drink your water!

Drink your water! Continuing to help give you little bits of encouragement and instruction while on The Daniel Fast or any fast! Today we are talking about water! Catch up on previous posts here!

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up.” James 4:10 KJV.

Water provides five vital functions in the human body:

  1. Cell life
  2. Chemical and metabolic reactions
  3. Transport of nutrients
  4. Body temperature regulation
  5. Elimination of waste

You can’t even live more than 3-5 days without water! That’s why it is imperative to drink plenty of H2O while fasting. You must replenish fluids lost and it also helps curb the appetite.

Watch this short video from Sci Show about what happens to your body when you go without water.

You will be flushing toxins from the body and the water will help keep you hydrated and the toxic waste moving on through like it should.

You may even notice some physical healing from your fast! Longer fasts of 21 to 30 days can definitely heal the body of physical ailments, but shorter fasts have been known to cleanse the human body of harmful toxins that will then heal whatever was causing the pain or disruption in the body’s ability to perform or operate. Cold sores, boils, blemishes, ulcers, even more serious diseases have been healed through the benefits of fasting.

The most important thing is that you take that time that you would normally be eating and spend it PRAYING!

I have a great recipe for you today if you are on The Daniel Fast. It is one that you will want to continue to use long after the fast is over. Enjoy!

This recipe is from RockRecipes.com and is for Lemon Herb Roasted Potatoes.  She has some great tips for cooking the perfect roasted potato in her post so head on over and check it out! Yum!

Serves: Serves 4-6
  • 6- 8 large sized russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1½ to 2 inch chunks
  • juice of one lemon
  • ¼ to ⅓ cup olive oil (butter or other oil will work as well; a butter/olive oil combination is very good too)
  • ½ tsp kosher salt
  • ½ tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1½ tbsp dried herbs, oregano, thyme and rosemary are good choices
  • 1 whole garlic bulb broken into about 4 pieces (optional)
  • Instructions
    1. Parboil the potatoes in salted water for about 3-4 minutes, no longer.
    2. Meanwhile in a 375 degree F oven, heat a baking pan of sufficient size to hold your potatoes without crowding them. A glass or metal pan is fine, as long as it is well heated beforehand. This will help to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the pan.
    3. After parboiling, drain the potatoes and let them stand for 5 minutes. Then toss the potatoes with the lemon juice.
    4. Toss together so that the potatoes absorb the lemon juice.
    5. Add the salt, pepper, herbs, garlic cloves and olive oil.
    6. Transfer the seasoned potatoes, garlic and oil to the hot baking pan. These should sizzle as they hit the pan; a good indication that they will not stick. Roast the potatoes for about 60-75 minutes or until they are nicely golden brown all over, turning them every 20 minutes or so. After the first 10 minutes, give the pan a shake to make sure the potatoes are not stuck to it. The roasted garlic may have to be removed before the potatoes are finished as it generally cooks faster.

Be blessed and encouraged! You are fasting unto the Lord!

The Daniel Fast Devotional would be a great asset to your fasting season. You can purchase the paperback or eBook by clicking on the image or one of these links. Devotions for 21 days with Biblical examples of fasting and recipes included every day. Three days of preparation devotions BEFORE the fast, it will be your go-to book when fasting for years to come!

The Daniel Fast: Drink your water


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Fasting changes the inner man

Fasting changes Me

Fasting Together in JanuaryFasting changes Me. We are posting every day in January for those that are beginning the New Year with fasting! You can read the previous posts here and here. I have a wonderful Daniel Fast approved recipe for those that are participating in that fast. Some have already begun the fast, others are starting later in the month. Some may be doing a different type of fast.

The more we know about fasting, the more we delve into the Word, the closer we will draw to Jesus Christ.

You will experience rewards from fasting! You will see chains broken, lives changed and prayers answered.

Most of all, in the days leading up to the fast, or the first few days of your fast, no matter when you start, (and it doesn’t matter when you start!), prepare your heart! Ask the Lord to show you things that need to be brought out into the open and dealt with, or done away with altogether. He will do just that because He loves you so much.

Your flesh is going to rebel during the fast, especially at the beginning. It is going to be a fight to stay away from the things that you normally put into your system every day. That is why it is so important to PRAY and FAST together! Keep focused on why you are doing what you are doing.

Always remember that God will honor your sacrifice. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 KJV.

But it doesn’t have to be that way with fasting. The New Year is a great time to begin implementing spiritual disciplines. January is an ideal month to detox your body and your mind but don’t make it the ONLY time throughout the year that you fast unto the Lord.

Fasting changes the inner man

Some particulars for those on The Daniel Fast:

In the first chapter of the Book of Daniel we read that Daniel and his three friends were put into a Babylonian training program while in exile under King Nebuchadnezzar. They did not want to defile their bodies with the rich food brought in by the kings’ servants so they requested that they be given only vegetables and water for ten days. Their meat was also likely sacrificed to idols, a strict no-no for the Jewish people.

At the end of the ten days, they were not only well, but had also prospered physically and spiritually above all the others in the court! Daniel was appointed an advisor to the king and began to interpret his dreams.

Later on, in the tenth chapter, Daniel had a vision of a great war that caused him to mourn and fast for three weeks. This is where The Daniel Fast originated. Daniel ate only plant-based foods for three weeks. That is why you see so many people, and now so many churches, starting the first of the year on a three-week Daniel Fast. They typically go without meat, dairy, sugar, breads and no artificial or processed foods. Basically, they eat only fruits, vegetables and whole grains and drink only water. (And plenty of it!)

There is nothing in the Bible that commands God’s people to fast as Daniel fasted but it certainly brings many benefits when done in the right spirit and for the right reasons.

Also, because you are cleansing your body of unwanted toxins you will feel so much better during those weeks and even afterward.

Did I mention to be sure to study and meditate on the Word during the fast?

Set aside time every day to meet with the Lord. Pray, and then pray again. He desires to meet with you, so do your best to keep at it and make time for Him. While you are denying yourself things that you enjoy, such as sweets, colas, coffees, breads, etc., remember WHY you are doing it. Don’t just check off the days on the calendar. It would be such a shame to only complete 21 days of a vegan diet and not accomplish something in your spiritual walk.

You may even want to journal. If you have never been one to journal, maybe now would be a good time to write down your thoughts as you experience this unique time with God. You might be surprised how He communicates with you during your quiet time. Keep your heart, mind and Bible open.

Here is the food list. As we mentioned in Part 1, there are no hard and set rules, but these are the given guidelines that most follow when on the Daniel Fast:

Foods included in your diet during the Daniel Fast:

All fruits. You may eat them fresh, frozen, dried, canned; anything without added sugar. Fruits include, but are not limited to: apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon.

All vegetables. These also can be fresh, frozen, canned or even juiced! Vegetables include, but are not limited to: artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, greens, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini.

All whole grains. Again, no added sugar. Be sure and read the labels. Whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn.

All nuts and seeds. You can have sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame and any other member of the nut and seed family. Nut butters are allowed, including peanut butter (but only all natural, with no added sugar).

All legumes. These can be eaten either canned or dried. Dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, navy beans and white beans.

All good quality oils. These include: canola, grape seed, olive, peanut, sesame and vegetable.

Beverages. You only consume water on the Daniel Fast! Spring water, distilled water or other pure waters. Water cleanses, will detox and purify your natural body; drink plenty of it! (You will be making some smoothies and all-natural juices but these are usually meal replacements, not just to drink for pleasure.)

Other: All herbs and spices are allowed, as are soy products, vinegar and tofu. (It is best to limit your salt intake.)

Foods NOT to EAT on the Daniel Fast:

All meat and animal products. This includes fish.

All dairy products.

All sweeteners. Sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice are not allowed on the Daniel Fast. (Some do consume honey; others consider it a pleasant food that Daniel would not have eaten.)

All leavened bread is excluded. This includes Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.

All processed foods.  Artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives are forbidden.

All deep fried foods. Examples are potato chips, French fries, and of course any breaded, fried foods.

All solid fats. This consists of shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat.

Beverages. Coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol are all prohibited on the Daniel Fast.

Again, not everyone does it exactly as it is written above. Some use honey as a sweetener or natural maple syrup. Others would strictly forbid it, which is just an example. Some use Ezekiel Bread, but it does have yeast in it, which is leaven, and would be forbidden on the normal Daniel Fast.

A good alternative would be whole grain flatbreads. Remember, WHOLE GRAINS. Regular wheat bread doesn’t count. If it contains wheat FLOUR, it is not a whole grain. If the ingredient list begins with whole wheat, rolled oats or whole corn as the first ingredient then it is likely a WHOLE GRAIN item. It cannot contain yeast, sugar, wheat flour, flour, high fructose corn syrup, etc.

You can find some good organic products at many health and organic specialty stores. They have many ready-to-eat foods that are acceptable, such as whole grain flatbreads and tortillas, which are great for making a veggie sandwich. Again, READ THE LABELS!

The Daniel Fast DevotionalSharing a recipe out of my book, The Daniel Fast Devotional. There are recipes after every devotion in the easy-to-read book. Have you got yours yet? Get it here on Amazon in either Kindle or paperback version. 

Tortilla Soup

1 carrot, chopped 1 celery stick, chopped 1 medium onion, diced fine 3 garlic cloves, pressed 2 Tablespoons olive oil 8 cups vegetable broth 4 cups water 1 can of black or kidney beans 16 oz. frozen corn 1 red tomato, chopped 1 yellow tomato, chopped ¼ cup chopped cilantro 2-3 teaspoons sea salt 1 lime 6 corn tortillas

Heat oil and sauté the first four ingredients until soft.  Add everything else except the tortillas.  Simmer for about 30 minutes.  Brush tortillas with olive oil and cut into strips. Bake in oven for about 15 minutes on 350 degrees. Top with tortilla strips, fresh chopped avocado and green onion to serve.

Blessings to you on your fast unto the Lord! Join us tomorrow for support and encouragement through the scripture!

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Sharing with the Homemaking Party


Loving so much it hurts

Loving so much it hurtsWe have another year behind us with opportunity and anticipation ahead. One thing we cannot say is that 2016 was boring. I won’t bore you with a repeat of all the highlights from the past year, you will see enough of that on social media.

I have reflected on the year personally, as I am sure you have. This 55th year of my birth brought many, many changes for me and The Sweetheart.

  • Norah Jayne. The miracle we have waited more than ten years for finally arrived 4/2/16. She literally lights up our lives. Those eyes and that smile melt me and if I could give her the world I would.
  • We moved. Well, of course we moved! Six hours south to be near Norah Jayne. A new city, a new church, some old and some new friends, all because of a miracle.
  • I went to work full time. For those that know me at all, I was blessed when My Three Sons were all home to be there for them. Then, with pastoring and traveling, etc., I was busy with curriculum editing for Revival By Design the last five years. Now, I want to be available for Norah, but still have some money to spend on headbands and bows, so I now work at night, from home, for Amazon customer service, in my pajamas if I want!

Norah has brought so many changes to my world, the list could easily be longer. I miss my family back in Indiana terribly but when I walk in the door and that little face brightens up when she sees me and those arms reach out for her Nana…well…I have to admit I am in heaven on earth.

Love so much it hurts at times. I want her to be able to climb up in my lap and know that all is well. I want her to know she is loved and that in the arms of her family she is safe and cared for. (Don’t worry, she is!) But I think about her when I am not with her, I miss her if it’s more than a day or two, and naturally, I don’t want her to forget me.

I have been with The Sweetheart for 40 years, married for 37. It seems as if we have always been a couple, an item, a duo. I can’t imagine my life without him and if I allow my head to go there, to try to imagine losing him, my heart feels as if it would break in two. Many of you reading this, that have experienced that loss, can relate to that. You love so much it hurts!

In 2012, Marjorie and James Landis of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, died just 88 minutes apart. They had been married 65 years. One couldn’t imagine surviving and going on without the other.

A few years ago a group of doctors at Johns Hopkins University reported a rare but lethal heart condition caused by acute emotional distress. The technical name is stress cardiomyopathy; we call it broken heart syndrome. A current example of this would be the actresses Debbie Reynolds and her daughter, Carrie Fisher. Literally heartbroken over the death of her daughter, Debbie Reynolds suffered a stroke and died one day after her beloved daughter. She is reported to have said that she just wanted to be with Carrie.

I was thinking of all of that in prayer time today. I reflected on the past year and the many blessings of the Lord: the good, the bad, the ugly and the wonderful. I was thankful for it all because God was with me, He was faithful.

And for His love, the love He had for us. He loved so much it hurt too. He came as an infant, knowing He would be wounded, physically, verbally, etc., but He still came. He also knew He would give so much that it hurt; physical torture and rejection from His own people. But that love trumped pain, it triumphed over rejection and even abandonment. He paid the ultimate price all because He loved us so much.

He would do it all again you know; just as you would stand in the gap for your children and grandchildren. You would take the punishment for them, you would likely give your life for them because you love so much.

As we enter a new year, uncertainties abound: Political unrest, terrorism that grows increasingly close to our door and endtime prophecy being fulfilled all around us. The one thing that is definite is that we are loved, we are cared for and we are safe in the arms of our Father. We can climb up in His lap, so to speak, and be assured that whatever comes our way, whatever 2017 holds for us as God’s children, He will be faithful to His Word. Persecution may come, difficulties may be present but He will walk with us through any fire or trial. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

That’s a Father’s love for His children. Unconditional, unwavering, a really good hurt.



The Daniel Fast DevotionalIt’s that time of year again…a time of reflection, renewal and denial. Many churches begin corporate fasts at the beginning of the New Year and individuals choose a fast of some kind as well. Pick up a copy of The Daniel Fast, a Devotional! Available in Kindle and paperback, it’s an easy read, full of 21 days of devotions for ANY FAST. There are also daily recipes for the Daniel Fast or a no meats, no sweets fast if you choose that route. Whatever you do, fast unto the Lord! Click on the book or this link to order from Amazon.com!