If the Blind Lead the Blind…

If the Blind Lead the Blind… Who will you follow?

There was an article in the Washington Post that told the story of some shepherds in the village of Gevas in eastern Turkey having their breakfast early one morning.  Their sheep are all grazing nearby when one lone sheep wanders off,and before they can do anything about it, that sheep jumps off a 45 ft. cliff to its death.

Then, if that isn’t bad enough, as the shepherds watch in horror, the rest of the flock follows…1500 sheep carelessly stagger off the edge of the cliff!

The small ray of good news was that because of their heavy wool, the lives of 1,000 of them were spared that day because as they fell, their fall was cushioned by the comfy, cottony wool of their brothers and sisters in the pile underneath them.

Follow the leader…a fun game as a little kid but not so smart as an adult unless you know who is leading the way.

The Pharisees were blind guides according to Jesus. They appeared to have all the answers, they walked around with the look and presented themselves as the authority but Jesus said they were just the opposite. “They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch.” Matthew 15:14 NKJV.

They were clearly spiritually blind but were trying to teach and preach to others. In Matthew 23:16-24, Jesus continues to list all the different ways in which they MIS-represented themselves. The problem was that they were highly thought of and, strangely enough, well respected.

In other words…they were smooth-talkers. They fooled the people.

It is no different today. Our culture and religious world is full of spiritual teachers who misrepresent the Word of God. They are blind guides leading and teaching those that are spiritually blind themselves! They claim to follow scripture and teach God’s Word but yet, in reality, they pick and choose what they want to use for their benefit and leave the other untouched.

Or worse, they change the Word to fit their lifestyle or their need for the moment.

From such turn away! Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” Matthew 7:15.

We have everything we need right in The Book. We must be careful about who and what we listen to. If it doesn’t line up with the Word of God we must separate ourselves!

follow me

When Jesus came on the scene over 2,000 years ago, one of the first things He said to His disciples was, “Follow Me…”.

Those two simple words from the Master were so powerful that twelve men dropped everything they were doing. They quit their jobs, left their families and walked away from their lives to follow this leader that they had never even met! He had power, authority, wisdom and influence. They knew there was something different about this man called “Jesus”.

Make sure you take off your spiritual blinders so you can see the Word of God clearly. This is the most important game of Follow the Leader you will ever play.



When the Cross was the Attraction

When the Cross was the attraction

sue“God Hold us to that which drew us first, when the Cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else.” ~ Amy Carmichael

When the Cross was the attraction….Today I am happy to have my sister-in-law, Sue Elkins, sharing with us!  Sue is a mother of four, a grandmother of three, a long time Broker/Associate with Re/Max Realty Professionals, and was a pastor’s wife for many years. She and her husband, Dexter, are still very active in their church, aptly teaching, ministering and being helpers as the Bible calls us to be. She keeps the highways busy traveling to see her grandbabies as often as she can. God gave this to her this week and I know it will bless you as it has me. You can read her other guest posts, Still I Will Trust YouGo, Surprise Jesus and Who was Hur, by clicking on the titles!

My God Is AwesomeEvery PraiseI Won’t Go BackBreak Every Chain….the list of new songs is unending and inspiring. But an old one from the past really touched my heart during altar call a few nights ago.

Move me with Your message once again

It’s been so long since I have broke within

Take me back once more to Calvary 

Where one more time, Your message moves me. 

I have heard this song many times, but not for years, and this night it was speaking to me in a different way.

So often, when a song like this is sung, we tend to be moved by shortcomings, problems, failures or needs within our lives.  There is nothing wrong with that and Jesus understands those times, but this time my spirit was broken for a different reason.

Luke 23:33.  “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.”  

The phrase “take me back once more to Calvary”  just kept flowing over and over in my mind.

Back to Calvary….

Where I first met You, Jesus, where I first realized what You had done for me.  I still remember those first feelings of sadness when I realized that Jesus had given His life for me!   The complete THANKFULNESS I felt that Jesus loved me so much that He would die for me.  The humbleness that overwhelmed my soul that He loved me even before I knew and loved Him.

With Calvary as a vision before me, as the song says, I should be broken for Your sacrifice. Lord.  I should be broken because of how much I love You, Lord.  I should be broken because You gave me newness of life here and life eternal over there.  My problems, my shortcomings, my failures or needs will be met if I keep going back to Calvary and the message it brings to all of us….

Christ is our Redeemer.   

When the Cross was the Attraction

How long has it been since I bowed more than just my knees, but really bowed my spirit to remember Calvary and what it brought to me?   As the words came flooding back into my mind, I was reminded that the message of Jesus and the cost of that message still needs to break us from time to time.  It is so easy with all the things that are going on around us to become overwhelmed and broken by the problems that face us.   But the message….the message that Jesus loves us, that He is the Provider, the Healer, the Counselor, the Deliverer, the Savior, the One True God, that came, died and was resurrected for us….that message can never be forgotten!  Because, if we forget that message, then we may forget to pass it on to others who need to hear it.   It needs to still move us, move us to be broken and thankful that we know Him and have the privilege of walking with Him.

Oh, Lord, let me not forget to let your message move me once again!


Sharing with Making your home sing, Modest Mondays



Restoring The Addie!

Restoring The Addie! Can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to unveil The Addie. Let me give a little history.

I have so many wonderful memories of this cabinet. It was my Great Aunt Addie Cazee’s and she was given it when she got married and set up housekeeping in the early 1900’s. If I recall, and I could be corrected, I think it was given to her as a hand-me-down as well, so it wasn’t new to her at the time. Trying to put a timeline on the piece has been difficult but we know it is at least 120 years old, possibly dating back to the 1880’s. I had never seen another like it but yesterday, imagine my surprise when I was perusing Pinterest and eBay and came across one that was identical! I contacted the owner who didn’t have much information on that piece since it wasn’t from their family. They did say that they understood it to be 1880’s so I am hanging around that mark.

I have tried to research the period and some will call this a cupboard or hutch but we have always christened it a pie safe because of the screened holes in the side. Years and years ago, ladies would put their baked goods in a pie safe to cool them and also to protect them from critters and little ones.

Aunt Addie gave this piece to my grandmother, Mamaw Cammie, many years ago. She had it as long as I can remember and it was filled with the Franciscan Apple dishes, all in perfect condition to this day in my mother’s china cabinet. You are probably familiar with these beautiful pieces!

Franciscan apple dishes

It is not clear, among the siblings, how I ended up with the pie safe. My sister will inherit the dishes, priceless pieces. My brothers received several things of my grandfathers when he passed away. But I hold to the reasoning that I was given the cabinet because I was the only one married at the time and the first one to leave home! (smile) However it worked out, I have had it for over 20 years in my home and used it in its original condition. (Here it is in my garage after its move to Tennessee and right before it was painted.)


This treasured piece still had the original wavy glass in the doors and original screens! The knobs are the only thing that have obviously been replaced at some time and both sets of doors had a key lock of some sort with a hook on the inside to hold the other door. (Note that we had already begun sanding a bit before I took these pictures…I wasn’t thinking of a post!)

pie safe

Restoring The Addie

Restoring The Addie

Restoring The Addie

Restoring The Addie

Since the priceless treasure (to me!) is always going to be in my family, I decided I wanted to do a Pinterest makeover with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint! I had read countless articles and watched so many Youtube tutorials that I felt I was an expert before I began.


Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is not chalky at all but there are so many benefits to using it on a piece like this. The one that sold me was that I didn’t have to do one blessed thing to it if I didn’t want to. No sanding, no preparation whatsoever! Yet, I did sand the inside a little just because the shelves were so rough and there were a few areas, especially on the doors, that needed smoothing out. But with Annie Sloan paints, there is no need to remove the stain or varnish or even old paint!

I wanted the cabinet to be a darker gray, so after consulting with the stockists at C’est Moi in Brentwood, Tennessee, and looking at some pieces they had painted there, I decided to mix the colors Graphite and Old White together.

Restoring The Addie Restoring The Addie

Restoring The AddieEasy peasy! Annie Sloan paints are so smooth they are easy to mix together for just the right shade. There are several grays in her line, but the Paris Grey seemed too light and had a touch of blue. The French Linen had a little too much taupe, or it seemed to me, so I opted to create my own.

So easy to apply, and one coat was all it took to cover The Addie! I applied Old White to the inside back wall, don’t you love the plank boards on the back?!

Restoring The Addie

We decided, for now, to leave the doors off. I have always had the doors on and usually opened but wanted to try something different. I did go ahead and paint and finish the doors in case I ever want to put them back on. You know it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind!

Now, I knew this needed a finish and I had read countless opinions about what to use. Annie Sloan suggests her wax for finishing unless it is a “high traffic” piece, then most furniture restorers preferred a polyacrylic coat of some sort to help protect against scratches. This would be especially important on something such as a table top. Since my cabinet was going to house my every day dishes and that would mean quite a bit of “in and out” use, I decided to apply a polyacrylic coat. I chose Modern Masters Dead Flat Varnish, purchased on Amazon. It was easy to apply, and even though it goes on milky, it dries perfectly clear. I gave it two coats for good measure.

Restoring The Addie

But even after all of that, I wasn’t quite satisfied with the result. It needed something and I was sure that Annie Sloan White Wax was the answer….and it was!

Restoring The Addie

Using the round wax brush, you basically can brush it on any old way, in small sections, then wipe it back off with a lint free cloth. The idea is for the white wax to get into the crevices and details of the furniture. It lightened up the piece a bit and gave it a weathered, slightly distressed look, which seemed appropriate for something so old! Tutorials and experts say “Wax is always last” and The Addie now has plenty of protection against daily use.

What do you think?

Restoring The Addie

Restoring The Addie

The Sweetheart still has to install the new screens. We didn’t want to just leave open holes and wanted it to be as authentic as possible. The old screens probably could have been cleaned up and reused but one of them was just about to rot completely away.

The hardware was discovered at Hobby Lobby. If you ever need knobs or draw pulls, good grief, they have a fabulous selection. It took several trips and returns before I found the one that I thought fit the cabinet and the period pretty well. I see I didn’t take any pictures inside the bottom part of the cabinet, but rest assured, it is beautifully painted and all cleaned up as well!

Restoring The Addie

You can see the hints of the white wax in the details, I simply love the light distressing.

Restoring The Addie

The Addie

One more time, here is the cabinet/hutch/cupboard/pie safe before and after with just a few Pioneer Woman Vintage Bloom dinnerware pieces to give some color…can’t wait to finish decorating!


Restoring The Addie


 Family fun FridayNap time creations