Today we begin a short series on The Body, The Church. We will learn what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ, its benefits and responsibilities. Join us!
Most have probably heard the story of the little girl who was afraid to sleep in her own room and kept running to Mom and Dad, begging to sleep with them. They would assure her all was well and back to her bed she would go only to return in a few minutes. Finally, her parents tried to comfort her by saying that God was with her and watching over her. That wasn’t quite what the child wanted to hear for, as she put it, “Sometimes I need God with skin on!”
Sometimes God sends someone with skin on. The Body of Christ wasn’t meant to sit on a church pew and soak up endless teaching and blessings, hoarding them to ourselves.
We are to GO and DO and BE Jesus in this world. We are His skin, so to speak.
I saw a video clip this week of a young man who was having what he thought was a bad day. So much to do, so little time to do it and he admitted he was simply in a bad mood. He walks out of a store to see a lady in her car, maybe early 60’s, bald and obviously waiting on someone. To pass the time she was reading a book.
The young man gets in his car and is immediately struck with the impression to go back in the store and get the woman a bouquet of flowers. What?! “I’m busy, I’m aggravated and I just don’t want to, Lord.” But, being obedient, he goes back in and brings the flowers to her car window where he stumbles over his words and says something like, “I know we don’t know each other but I felt impressed to give you these flowers and hopefully encourage you to smile.”
Naturally, the lady burst into tears…the man quietly walks back to his car, broken, humbled and all of his troubles put into perspective in an instant. He will never know what she was going through or what the flowers represented to her but, rest assured, she needed to hear from the Lord that day.
God comes to us in so many different ways; His Word, a thought, prayer, worship and music, creation and nature and other believers. He even spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament to make a point!
Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, came with skin and walked among His own. He loved, He shared, He pointed the way. He WAS the WAY.
Even though we may not see the physical Jesus in the flesh, sitting on a throne here on Earth, we see The scripture says, “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in…” Matthew 5:25. He expects us to treat those around us as we would treat Him. So how do we do that? How do we become Jesus with skin?
Be sensitive. That comes through prayer and the Word.
Be engaging. When you are sensitive and the Lord leads you to someone, don’t just stand around wondering if He means YOU. He does! So step in and go in faith.
Be real. Don’t hide your testimony and don’t pretend like you have it all together. Let others know you NEED Jesus every. single. day. You aren’t above mistakes and you still mess up but you serve a God that not only forgives but supplies you with what you need for each new day.
Be faithful. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If something needs to be done, don’t ask if you can help, just help! Be a friend, be a mentor, be a confidante and do them all well. Don’t gossip about your friend or their problem, pray to the One who can actually do something about it.
Jesus with skin? That’s you, me, the Body. We were put here for a purpose and that is to share the love of God in order to help others come to know Him. And when they do? They will then do the same!
Sharing with Living Proverbs 31, Modest Mondays, Making your home sing, Good morning Mondays, Mommy Moments