A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankrolls smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
If you already follow me on social media, you have been overwhelmed with posts of our little miracle grand baby, Norah Jayne Elkins. If you are a new follower, you can read all about the ten year infertility struggle of my son and daughter-in-law here. Go ahead. I will wait for you!
The family headed to Tennessee, just south of Nashville, last Thursday afternoon. For some reason, two of our grown sons wanted to hitch a ride with Mom and Dad so of course we didn’t pass up that opportunity to be totally annoying for a five hour car ride.
My parents, the great-grands, also drove down and Friday morning we all met for breakfast at The Readyville Mill. (Formerly known as Goodness Gracious) We had the place to ourselves since we arrived so early, and had a scrumptious breakfast.
The plan was this: My sweet DIL was to go into the hospital on Friday night and then she would be induced early Saturday morning. Of course we had to have dinner first and Rachel had made reservations for us in Smyrna at La Tavola Restaurante Italiano. Another hit! I did not want to share my cannoli!
Kyle and Rachel, a.k.a. Mommy-and-Daddy-to-be, headed to the hospital to spend the night. The grandmothers (that’s me too!) were to show up to the hospital around 7 a.m. since we were invited to witness the birth. We would keep everyone else posted, figuring it to be a long, long day as it usually is for the first baby.
Unfortunately for the grandmothers, but so very fortunate for Mommy Rachel, Norah Jayne, this miracle from our God, decided to make things quick and easy. Even though I couldn’t sleep, got up at two a.m. and showered, dressed and was completely ready by 3:30…we still missed seeing her exciting arrival into the world.
Everything moved so fast that even the doctor was literally running down the hallway just in time to catch our miracle!
Norah Jayne was born on April 2, at 6:44 a.m. She weighed 6 pounds and one little bitty ounce. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
Meet our miracle…
Meeting Mommy for the first time.
And Daddy’s turn.
With The Sweetheart, now lovingly referred to as Poppy!
Though worn out from too many days without sleep, Mommy, Daddy and Norah pose for a picture as they arrive home for the first time as a Party of 3. We are forever grateful to the Lord Jesus for answering our prayer for this special gift. Our family promises to love her forever and raise her to love her Savior. Thank you all for your prayers of support.
Sharing with Faith Filled Friday, Home Matters , Coffee Shop Conversations